03 ✦ Tease

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I miss you

You know what I miss? Oreo cereal

I'm being serious

I am too, where do you think they sell it?

"WHAT?!", Bakugo exclaimed, your words not making sense to him at all. You scoffed, stepping away from him and smiling. "Well apart from your trash attitude of course!" you smiled, shrugging your shoulders, your features tense and strained by the intense look you were throwing at the blonde.

Flattery wasn't the way to go with blonde blasty, it seemed as if the second you complimented him his face went pale and his posture tensed up as if your words were a slap to the face. "Who the hell do you think you fucking are saying that to me?" Bakugo hissed, raising his hands in defense, a few pre-sparks flying from the palms of his hands.

A low snicker left your lips, the situation was so plainly ironic it was almost funny. Taking his hands by the wrist you pulled them down to his sides, tiptoeing to lean into his ear and whisper, "Me? I'm just the girl of your damn dreams cutie."

That knocked him off his guard quite well, the reaction he gave off made it harder to suppress the laugh you were trying to hold in from the very beginning. Stepping back a good five steps away from you, Bakugo held up two arms in a defensive stance. You managed to keep a straight face, your gaze soft and calm.

Bakugo was on the edge of going insane, his heartbeat was off the charts. He could feel his ears heat up at your words, the words you so casually throw out like they were pieces of gum. Oh, how he wanted to punch the silky smile that now mocked his every move right off your face, but he was guessing that that wouldn't pass with anyone so he let the urge slide.

"You're fucking crazy," Bakugo whispered, his voice not needing to travel far as you made your way back to him, your smile not faltering by a second as you drew you bottom lip between your teeth. "Crazy for you, Katsuki."

It was like his heartbeat stopped, just for a second, but a second was all it took for Bakugo to realize what's happening. The blonde didn't react, his body didn't allow him to. He just didn't understand why you were doing what you did. He softly gripped onto your arm, pulling you away from his figure before properly glaring at you and looking down at your smaller build.

"So you think it's fun to fuck with me, you think it's funny?" Bakugo grumbled, the ends of his lips curling up in an unmistakable smirk, the look he was giving off made him look like some mad murderer. Your face was plain, your eyebrows raised as you simply nodded, "Yes, exactly."

"You little bitch-"

You swiftly grabbed a broom that was leaning on the wall, pushing the rod into the blonde's chest and pushing him back along with it. "You'll have time to murder me later, right now we need to focus on getting this room cleaned up!" You bubbled, beaming at the confused boy and skipping to grab a towel.

Bakugo stared intently at the item in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed together. A delicate tune of hums rolled off your tongue and banged at the blonde's mind. Turning on your heel, you looked back at him and rolled your eyes, "Come on Bakugo, chop chop, we can't afford to lose any time. We only have, like, 20 minutes to clean this dump." You snapped, walking towards him, your hands on your hips.

"It's amusing," Bakugo mumbled under his breath, his head hung low. A smile slowly crept up to his face as he looked back up to meet your eyes. His pupils constricted at your gaze, an eery feeling crawling up your neck. You slung an arm around his shoulder, "What's so funny? Enlighten me, Katsuki."You scoffed, the blonde's figure tensing up under your touch.

Hesitant, you stilled, waiting for his words. "That you're bossing me around, if you think I'll abide your sad existence you're fucking mistaken."

Unmoving, you took a minute to let the words you've heard countless times before sink in. You lifted your head and closed your eyes, a soft giggle pouring out of your lush lips. "I'm only trying to make this a little less of a hell hole for the both of us, no need to have an attitude about it. Im not expecting you to follow my every word, after all, you do you boo."

"Fucking finally. Then see ya, I'm gonna leave now-" Bakugo turned around, making his way to the door before you grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him back into the room, "Ok, anything but that. I'm not gonna get yelled at by your principal just because you wanted to be a jerk."

Bakugo huffed out a breath of annoyance, making his way back to a chair kicking it against his foot and leaning back to look at you, "You're such a damn goody two-shoes it's pissing me off, learn to let loose. Breaking the fucking rules once in a while won't kill you dumbass," claimed Bakugo as he lifted two hands behind his neck and shrugged.

"You know what's the problem? You're really cute, so no one's ever told you to shut your pie hole," You grinned, the smile not quite reaching your eyes though, throwing a bottle of disinfectant at his way while you watched him barely grasp onto it in time, "So let's turn that frown upside down and let's make this place sparkle!" You exclaimed, pointing your forefingers at the corners of his lips before he shook you off.

"Fuck no."

You frowned and placed a hand on your heart dramatically and stumbling backward in a cinematic replay, and almost immediately, you jumped back to the smile that seemed to never leave your face. You giggled lightly before skipping around to hook arms with the boy.

"That's a bummer, I bet

your smile is
really pretty."


sUrpRiSe, y'all are mAJOR flirts


also, do you pretties like short or long chapters?

I think short chapters are pretty cute so :P

ALSO, did anyone catch the reference? :)

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