2. Bound

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Song: The Lick - Shame





When I woke up, I didn't open my eyes.

I could hear people speaking in low whispers not too far away from me and I didn't need them to know that I was awake yet.

From what I could tell, I was sitting on a wooden chair, hands bound behind my back and legs tied.

My middle was free.

They hadn't stripped me of any of my weapons yet, meaning that Romano was either dead or on the verge of it.

These guys were amateurs.

At least they had put some sort of fabric over my eyes, the bare minimum.

Unbeknownst to them, I had small blades stashed all over my body.

Conveniently, I had one in the sleeve of my hoodie, sewn it into the edge of the hoodie just a few days before.

With an unidentified amount of people in the room and no idea where or how many exits there were, I couldn't start to cut the cloth.

In this situation, I had two options.

The first was to keep quiet until they left, revealing where the exit to the room was. That is, assuming that everyone in the room left which was highly unlikely.

The second option was to wake up.

I knew that Romano would need intense medical attention and lucky for them, I had the antidote on me just in case I myself got cut. Using this as leverage, I could get myself out of the situation. The problem arose from the fact that the antidote was hidden underneath my left shoe.

And I was no longer in possession of my left shoe.

How long had I been here?

"Cosa diavolo vuoi che faccia?" A voice shouted, startling me.
(Translation: What the hell do you want me to do?)


Silence followed before I heard a few steps being taken toward me.

The cloth that was tightly secured around my eyes now lay on the floor.

I looked up to meet the eyes of a very angry man.

"How long have you been awake?" He said to me. I didn't recognize his voice, or face.

I stayed silent and looked away.

How the hell am I going to get out of this now?

Out of nowhere, his hand came down, slapping my cheek. I winced. He had a ring on and I could feel the blood starting to flow out of the cut that was left behind.

"You do not seem to understand the situation you are in. Maybe I can enlighten you." He said, slowly backing away.

I hoped he was the kind of person who liked to talk because I liked to listen. It bought me valuable time.

My pointer finger found the little slit in my hoodie sleeve where I stitched in the small knife earlier.

I kept only one nail long for this reason and this reason only.

"Let's recap shall we? You broke into my brother's private chambers and held a knife to my good friend Adrian over here." He said while gesturing to the man he was talking to earlier.

If Adrian wasn't such an amateur he wouldn't have given me the chance to put the knife there, was what I wanted to say, but I kept silent.

I wasn't suicidal.

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