12. Strawberry Laces

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One thought lingered in the back of my mind.

What did he have to gain from this?

A soft knock echoed through the room.


I slowly slid the door open and peeked my head through the gap. 


"I'm sorry."

His voice was full of remorse, something that Jamie didn't often show. 

I outwardly sighed, I couldn't be mad at him for long. 

I rarely ever lashed out at people the way I did to him tonight, and I would be lying to myself if I didn't say I felt terrible about it.

Everybody makes mistakes, right?

He extended his hand towards me and uncovered a packet of strawberry laces.

My eyes widened at the sight and I quickly snatched the packet of sugary goodness, opening the door wider for him before turning around and sitting on the bed.

I crawled to the middle of the fluffy bed and dove under the duvet, watching Jamie as he awkwardly sat on the edge, looking away from me.

Silence engulfed the room as Jamie let out a deep sigh, putting his head in his hands.

"I don't know how I made the mistake, I knew that the guy was in the country but I didn't know that he was going to go to the restaurant."

His voice was void of emotion, instead quiet and breathy. 

Not giving any indication as to whether he was lying or not.

I opened the pack of strawberry laces and looked at the contents. 

Every time I took a hit in MI6, Jamie would come to my room with a packet of strawberry laces to cheer me up.

I wonder how many people I've killed?

"Who was he then?" My voice came out as a whisper. I placed the opened packet of strawberry laces on the bedside table, untouched.

"One of his business partners."

He looked over his shoulder back over to me, his eyes settling on the untouched packet of strawberry laces. 

He kept his answer short and sweet.

I wanted to believe him, I really did, but something in his story wasn't adding up. 

Surely, if one of Fawkner's business partners were in the same city he would follow up on it, the obvious thing to do. 

Yet, here he was, saying that he had the knowledge that this man could've and did, ruin the mission and he didn't follow up on it.

I probably would've believed him if he said he was in the dark about him.

"I gathered that they were partners, who is he?" Instead of coming out as a question, it sounded more like a demand.

A minute of silence passed. 

"If you're not going to answer that question, will you entertain another one?"

He turned so that he was fully facing me now, his face stoic, a trait that I used to adore but now seemed more of a menace. 

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