7. Names

30.8K 773 485

Song: Freak (ft. REI AMI) - Sub Urban





"Oh and Adelaide?"

I turned around to face him.

"You can keep my shirt but I'll need the boxers back."

With that, he turned around and shut the door behind him.


A soft knock on my door woke me up the next morning forcing me to groggily make my way over to the door. 

I was greeted by a tall dark-haired lady with a few boxes in her hands, her eyes averted and head down. 

I could see little beads of sweat starting to collect on her forehead, visible due to her sleek ponytail.

"I've brought your clothes ma'am." She managed stammered out, looking everywhere but my face.

I didn't say anything, she was scared shitless and I didn't want to make it any worse. I moved out of the way, letting her past me and place the boxes on my unkempt bed.

I kept my mouth shut, watching her put the clothes in my closet, not wanting to scare her more than I already had and decided to leave the room. 

I trudged to the bathroom, splashing my face with water effectively waking me up before brushing my teeth.

When I walked back outside, the woman was gone and my closet was full.

He went all out.

On one side of the closet were normal clothes that anyone would wear with jeans, shirts, undergarments and some pairs of leggings. 

But on the other side were things that one would wear on an undercover mission, fancy dresses, jumpsuits and holsters that I could strap on my body. The drawers concealed a grand selection of knives and small guns.


If there was one thing that this wardrobe was missing, it would be hoodies. 

I usually wore them on missions where a dress code wasn't compulsory simply because I found them easy to move in and I could conceal various weapons under the baggy fabric. 

My hidden blades had gotten me out of a lot of sticky situations and I was forever thankful for that.

I'll bring it up to Romano, I thought to myself before mulling over what I should wear for the day.

I decided to keep it simple with a pair of baggy blue jeans and a deep red loose t-shirt. 

Feeling somewhat naked and vulnerable without a knife on my person, I strapped a knife to my stomach, making my way downstairs.

I found  the kitchen easily, remembering the path I took last night, but was taken aback when I found it empty. 

No food. No people. No nothing.


I was hoping to meet someone else before having to introduce myself to the team I was going to be working with.

I made my way over to the fridge to see if there was anything that I could make until I spotted a box of frosted flakes and quickly decided to make cereal like the culinary master I was.

I sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen island and devoured the food I had prepared.

The stillness that covered the room like a heavy blanket unsettled and comforted me at the same time. 

A Dangerous Captive (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon