30. Crosswords

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Song: Animal - Sir Chloe






I gazed into his eyes, scrutinizing his face to see if there were any cracks, any hint of a joke.

Satisfied with the results, I replied.

"Okay, trust."


I lifted up my cargo trousers, unstrapping the knife that was continuously poking me, placing it on the small airline table in front of me.

Romano looked at the knife before looking up at me, a quizzical look upon his face.

I merely shrugged my shoulders, ignoring him and opting to gaze out of the window instead.

I could feel his gaze searing into my side profile but I didn't budge from the view outside the window, we only had 20 more minutes.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I thought of what would lay ahead.

It seemed as though death followed me everywhere.

"Hey Ads, what's another name for an underground cell?"

My gaze drifted from the clouds and towards Jamie who was sat next to me, his head buried in a crossword, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration.

"How many letters?" I asked, my mind focusing on the task at hand.

Without looking up from the small book he answered, "five, the first letter is a c."

"How about a crypt?"

He counted how many letters there were in the word on his fingers, his face lighting up when he realized it would fit.

"Thanks. How about a word for when you exceed a budget?"

I leaned closer to Jamie, my right arm pressed against his as I peered over his shoulder to get a better look at the crossword.

"Nine letters," I whispered to myself, making him hum in agreement.

Jamie tapped his pen over the empty boxes, thinking hard about what it could be.

"Overspending? No that's too many letters." I said, taking a guess.

His face lit up as he realized what the mystery word was and started to pen it in the book, leaving me to spell it out as he did so.

"Oh, of course."

The word was neatly drawn into the boxes, finishing the crossword.

"I wouldn't have gotten it if you hadn't said overspending," Jamie admitted, shutting the book and laying it on the table next to my knife.

I smiled and shifted to the left, away from him.

"What was the word?" Mano asked, obviously feeling left out.

I looked to Mano keeping a smile on my face as I said, "overspent."

He gently returned my smile, glancing at Jamie before turning back to his fashion magazine. 

My eyes connected with Jaekyung's for a split second before I sighed and got up, making an excuse that I had to go to the bathroom.

The private plane had enough space for me to stretch my arms out properly as I sauntered to the small cubicle.

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