3. A Deal

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Song: Red Right Hand - Arctic Monkeys





I'd made a mistake.

A very big mistake.

The man who stood before me was supposed to be dead. He was my target, Romano Acerbi and his gun was pointed directly at me.

I was, quite literally, caught red-handed.


I couldn't believe my eyes. 

The man in front of me was Romano Acerbi. 

I must have really lost my mind. 

A flurry of questions sped through my mind, am I hallucinating? Did they drug me? How is he alive? Am I going to die? And most importantly, how long have I been sitting in that damn chair for?

I couldn't move. 

I couldn't get out of this situation. He was standing there with a gun pointed straight at me. 

Funnily enough, my heart wasn't hammering in my chest and my palms weren't sweating. I was calm. 

Deathly calm. 

"Why were you laughing?" He asked me for the second time.

He was tall, taller than Adrian at least. 

He looked to be around 6ft. 

Standing at 5ft8, I wasn't a giant though I wasn't short either. 

His hair was as dark as charcoal. It was sleeked back and it looked like he was a bit obsessed with his gel. He was muscular, proven by his bulging biceps and lean figure and was wearing a button-up shirt paired with swanky dress pants. 

Unfortunately for him, muscular men pissed me off.

He took a step towards me.

"So you want to be silent now huh? Okay, I can play that game."

I didn't say anything, looking up at him to meet his eyes, the colour of obsidian.

I watched as a slow grin grew on his face.

"Why don't you sit down mia stella? We have lots to talk about." He said moving closer to me.
(Translation: My star)

When I didn't move, the grin he wore disappeared. "Sit." He said putting the end of the gun to my head.

I picked up the chair and sat down.

This was the worst scenario I could've gotten myself into, curse me and my overly confident self.

"That's better mia stella." He purred, gun still in my face.

"Now, step two. Hand over your weapons." I looked at him.

"I've already exposed all my weapons." I lied to him. I still had two more knives strapped to my body, only to be used in times of crisis and well, I thought I had the upper hand until 30 seconds ago.

He chuckled, a deep resonating chuckle.

"We both know that is not true. Now, if you do not want a bullet lodged in your pretty little head I would suggest handing them over," a smile returning to his face.

I begrudgingly reached down and lifted my sweatpant, exposing my right leg and a knife strapped there, placing it in his oversized hand.

I sat back up and looked at him.

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