27. Like Father Like Daughter

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Song: Daisy - Ashnikko 





"What was the colour of the mask, Malcolm?

A beat passed between us before he spoke, clear as a summers day.



"Mr Seong."

Not only an hour after storming away from an enlightening conversation with Malcolm and refusing to tell him anything I knew, I sat in the regular meeting room with Romano, Jamie and Jaekyung.

Malcolm was no longer invited. 

"A South Korean businessman in the entertainment industry. Two children, one girl, one boy. Deceased wife. Fertile."

I felt Jaekyung tense up next to me and I shot her a confused glance, only to be ignored as her steely gaze bore into Jamie.

"He has a clean slate and a good reputation. No affairs or scandals and has been in favour of the public eye for the better part of the last decade."

Jamie took a breath and his eyes landed on the three other people in the room for a short moment, lingering on me for a second too long before he leaned back and continued his report.

"He has no business in Italy but he'll be in Portugal at the end of the week with his son in tow to do some business deals." His tone was professional and cold, a standard for him.

I turned my focus back onto Jamie and his rambling, cutting him off before he could get another word out.

"His son?"

Jamie looked at me and I could've sworn that there was a small smile on his lips before he smothered it.

"His son, Haneum, is 18 years old according to the South Korean ageing system but 17 in the western world. He is the only known relative to live with Mr Seong. He has been groomed since he was born to take over the business after his father retires."

I opened my mouth to speak again but Jamie put his hand up to silence me before continuing.

"He's due to start military service next year so his father is trying to get as much experience as possible into the poor kid. Not to mention the exams he's gonna have to do when he gets back home."

I let a gust of air out, clearly taken aback by how much pressure the man had put on the boy.

I had to say, I didn't envy the kid.

"What about the sister?" Romano's voice piped up from the other side of the room.

He was leaning forward, his forearms pressed on his legs, tense and demanding. 

The stress of multiple failed and overcomplicated hits were getting to him.

Jamie's eyes lit up at the question, a smile growing on his face.

"That's where this gets interesting."

My head snapped back to Jamie.


"There isn't a single trace of their daughter. Not one. The only thing I could find about her was through rumours and the gossip columns of old lady magazines."

He peered over his computer expectantly at us, light glinting in his eyes from a mystery yet to be solved but was only met by Romano and I's confused faces.

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