29. Payment and Debt

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Song: Real Boy - Lola Blanc





Asking for a little help wouldn't be too bad, would it?

"Of course," I affirmed, watching as his face lit up at the possibilities I could offer.

Maybe I could trust him after all.



Mano looked up at me, his eyes pleading and warm, almost coaxing me to give in to his demands. 


Merely feeling the presence of the man standing beside me reminded me why I didn't want to work with him.

He jutted his bottom lip out a little and my gaze hardened.

Did he really think that was going to work?

"Mano, no."

He held my stare for a few more moments before sighing in defeat and leaning backwards.

I looked into the intense blue eyes that were hellbent on ogling my side profile.

"Malcolm, leave. I have a few things I need to discuss with Mano," his eyebrows shot up in amusement and his mouth opened to speak but I cut him off, "privately."

He looked over to Mano in search of affirmation, only to get a dismissive wave from him.

Malcolm looked at me one last time before turning and silently making his way out of the study to god knows where.

Mano sat with his hand propping his chin up, scrutinizing me as if he was trying to figure something out.

"I need to know why," he said, dragging his eyes to mine.

I felt my jaw clench at his words. I knew I couldn't tell him why I didn't want to work with Malcolm, that had to wait until I trusted him more.

Keeping him in the dark would be the best way to move forward.

Sighing, I looked away from him and spoke, "I can't tell you."

My eyes wandered around the room, really taking it in for the first time. It was dark and mysterious, rich with deep browns, maroons and reds with large bookcases lining almost all of the walls.

His large mahogany desk stood grandly in front of the gardens, his chair facing inwards.

My gaze travelled to where I sometimes sat when I had nothing else to do, a little surprised when I saw a familiar face sitting there, chatting to Dante as I did before.

A twinge of guilt shot through my stomach. 

I hadn't talked to the man since the beginning of the second mission.

What Jaekyung was talking to him about?

Mano cleared his throat, forcing me to remember where I was and what I was doing here.

Goddamn Malcolm.

"Just help me understand, carota," he splayed his hands on the desk, "last week you were so adamant on having him on our team and now you've done a full 180, why?"

When my eyes met his, I seriously debated telling him. His eyes looked confused and conflicted, it hurt knowing that I did that.

Instead of telling him, I deflected.

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