38. Red Shirt

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Song: Down With Me- Yorxe





"No reason."

I took a moment to gaze at her, trying to identify something, anything, before turning away and walking I slowly turned to the table. Questions spun in my mind like a tornado, too many to digest.

Was I missing something?


The day started with bidding Jaekyung and her brother off on a safe flight on a plane that Romano just had casually lying around in Lisbon before we headed out for a day of sightseeing.

Jamie was jumping around like a hyperactive dog the entire day, something completely out of character and insanely tiring at the same time.

Him being a history buff, forced both Romano and I to visit churches, historical monuments, art galleries, anything a person could think of.

Every site we visited made his grin grow a little more and I couldn't help but smile at his happiness.  

"Come on let's go." Jamie pleaded to Mano and I, putting on his best puppy eyes.

I glanced at Mano, obviously very tired from a full-on day of activities by the sweat rolling down his forehead and his dull eyes. After seeing so many sites, they al seemed to blur into one.

"How about we head back to the hotel instead?" Romano proposed and even though I enjoyed Jamie's smile, I felt the pull to be lying in a refreshing hotel swimming pool, sipping a margarita.

"It's the last one, I swear."

I sighed, making eye contact with Jamie's puppy dog eyes, my first mistake.

"Last one," I said, nudging Mano to come in with me.

As I turned to go in, Jamie gently took my arm and turned to Mano, "you don't have to come if you don't want to, go to that restaurant over there and order me a salted caramel ice-cream, I'll pay you later."

To my surprise, Mano let out a short sigh of relief and hurriedly turned away without any of his usual argument.

I watched his retreating figure until Jamie squeezed my arm, jutting me out of my stupor.

I tugged my arm away from his tight grasp.

I walked into the old church, breathing in the musty smell of mould and damp pews slowly taking in the stained glass windows and ornate carvings scattered around the olden church.

I slowly walked down the aisle, letting my fingers brush each one of the pews as I did so. Jamie gasped and scuttled away talked animatedly to himself as he walked into one of the other hidden rooms.

I meandered around the church, eventually finding myself in a more isolated area, the cool stone cutting through my skin and causing me to shiver. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A dark voice whispered in my ear.

I twirled around as fast as I could, hitting the man with my cropped hair as I did so.

It was the man from breakfast.

"I suppose."

I took a shaky step backwards, trying to distance myself from the familiar man and keep an eye out for Jamie whom I seemed to have lost in the long shadows of the church.

"Who are you looking for?" 

My eyes met his as I stiffened. How did he know I was looking for someone? His eyes held a hint of mischief, intriguing me further. 

Who was he?

"My friend." I said, keeping my answer short and sweet, refusing to give anything away.

"Your friend, you say?" He said, stepping closer.

I nodded, realizing what was happening, there was an edge to his voice and a smile creeping up his face.

Out of all the churches in Lisbon, what were the chances we would encounter each other in the same one?

Something was wrong, Jamie wouldn't voluntarily leave me like this.

I had to get out.

I let him take a step closer to me, waiting for the perfect time to hit him in his crown jewels.

"Your friend, what does he look like? Maybe I could help you locate him."

I didn't reply, instead moving backwards so that my back was plastered to the wall to look defenceless, my best trick.

How did he know Jamie was a he?

"Is he a little lanky?"

My eyes snapped to his.

"Dark skin?"

A smile was tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Curly hair?"

He had to be guessing, plenty of people fit that description.

I pushed my dominant leg upwards, hoping to hit him in the place where the sun doesn't shine but instead hit his hand.

A deep chuckle passed through his lips.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

I felt the breath leave my lungs as I went into emergency mode.

The only thing my brain could come up with is that he must've seen Jamie this morning at breakfast.

Where was he?

I had only packed one emergency knife this morning, thinking that I would be with Mano the entire time, someone who knows how to fight, but with all other options exhausted and by cornering myself I went for the emergency knife stashed up my sleeve.

With the hilt in my hand, I waited for the perfect time to strike.

If I only had one option, I would make it work.

He leaned in next to my ear, "Is he, perhaps, wearing a r-"

I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, instead, charging my arm forward with full force, trying to push the tip of the blade into flesh but finding it only slice through the air.

Shocked, I pulled my arm back.

A dark laugh filled the church, bouncing off the walls.

"So predictable." He whispered, pinning my hands above my head and his legs trapping mine.  He leaned so close that our noses touched, forcing me to stare into his honey eyes. This close, I saw an ugly scar that cut straight through his left eye, making it's way down to the tip of his cheek, something he had previously been hiding with his hair. 

Where did he get that from?

With his other hand he run his thumb over my cheek, an action so intimate and soft it surprised me.

The cool air of the church invaded my body again as he smiled and abruptly turned away, letting go of my hands. 

"Boys, take her." He shouted, retreating away from me and turning away, not even glancing back at me.

Before I knew what was happening, arms reached out from the shadows, grasping me from all angles, immobilizing me completely.

A wet cloth covered my mouth and nose but I didn't breathe in, wanting to stay conscious for as long as possible.

I saw a glimpse of a red shirt before I was forced to breathe in by a punch in the stomach followed by a shout from the mystery man.

For the second time in the last few months, the world went dark.


The story us wrapping up soon so look for that.

Okay bye.

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