The Prince

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Kylo twirled the wine glass by the stem and stared through the end as he drank from it, as if I was his muse in the chaos that danced around us. 

The King's elite had practically stormed the great hall upon the news of the banquet to celebrate Prince Dayvis' arrival, with their polished golds, finest suits and dresses, hair high and glasses never empty, the people who danced, cheered and mingled below the high table were so impossibly excited for the Prince's return, that it was almost obvious the real reason they had come again, was for the free, rich wine that they chugged all night long.

Mine sat full before me on the table, turning lukewarm in its neglect as Kylo sat to my right, somewhat talking to General Hux, but neither of them really cared what the other was saying as I watched their bland stares and dry conversations. 

Ruby sat to the left with her wine glass held delicately in her limping hands which were beginning to become numb with how much she was drinking and every-time she laughed to the stranger beside her, or slapped her hand on his shoulder, I winced with the risk of the glass falling to the floor and shattering like it had already tonight, yet every-time she spilt the crimson in her cup, she only chuckled nonchalantly and poured herself another glass.

Tables filled with heated and frozen meals elope the edges of the hall. Everything you can think of, and things you have never dreamed of, lie in wait. Plates and patters filled with various meats and concoctions of vegetables and fruits, rich desserts and enough wine to flood the city, there was enough food to feed the starved, and yet, some dishes have sat completely untouched for the past three hours – And I taste the fury that boils in my blood as I remember the way the King, who sat in his throne, had mocked that he would feed his breakfast to the pigs – It wouldn't surprise me if all this wasted food would go to them too.

The guests were almost screaming with joy and could feel their feet disturbing the ground around me. Without looking, their smiles sometimes extended towards me and I had to nod my head with my own, pretending as if I knew them and when some of them took that as a chance to come up and talk, I always thanked them for coming and "Oh, it's been so long since I've seen you!" I have said to at least, five different people already, so much so, that I'm beginning to form a headache from all the stress of acting and the apple's of my cheeks are starting to burn from forcing tight smiles.   

Their bodies moved together as they celebrated, rhythmically breaking into shapes and colours that tickled my heart at the happiness in their eyes. The scene reminded me of the small gatherings we would have in the South-Eastern parts of Jorkhan, where we would all grab our cleanest clothes and have a feast much like this one in the empty fields, only there was no food nor wine – But sometimes, we did harvest enough soiled fruits and gave them to a man who used to work with Anwar at the stables because he had a true talent of fermenting the fruits further and would cultivate them into a grotesque form of wine – Though, I had never been the one to drink it, after one night where Anwar got so intoxicated that I had to stay the night in the stable with him because I couldn't carry him home myself.  

Oh, how I'd much rather be in that smelly stable with an even smellier, drunk Anwar than here, right now. I used to crave the sensation of fullness and the richness year round before I was taken here and told to play the role of someone I am not – But now, an empty stomach is only a small flicker of pain compared to the torture of sitting beside a beast of a man and awaiting the arrival of another, who is most likely not going to enjoy pretending that I am his Sister.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. The drums thumped in time with my heartbeat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. If I were somewhere else, I may have enjoyed this song, but right now as I sat here and watched the people below, I only thought as the music to be the tune my fear marches to, that awaits the arrival of the incredibly late, Prince. 

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