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There was an 18-year-old named Y/N. She was gorgeous that had H/C hair and E/C eyes. She loved to go swimming and surfing. She also loved to dive ever since she was a child. She was close to her father. He was the one that introduced Y/N to the water. The girl fell in love with the ocean when she swam for the first time. Ever since then she would beg her parents to go to the beach.

Y/N learned how to dive and surf thanks to her dad too. Not so many people were water lovers type. Many of them rather stay away and have fun somewhere else. Y/N was a water lover type since she would go to the beach every week at weekends because then she didn't have school. When it was winter and no school, she would go swimming in pools where it was warm. Inside of course. Whenever it warm, she would go swimming outside, surf and dive. It went like that for a few years.

Y/N had an ok relationship with her mother. But ever since her dad died, Y/N changed. She became depressed for a long time while her mom moved on and got herself a boyfriend. Y/N was the only child. She didn't become close to her mom or her boyfriend. Fights started to appear. It got so bad that Y/N's mom even slapped her own child once. Y/N had enough and moved out. She had enough money to have her own living place since she had a job. She blocked the numbers of her mom and her boyfriend. She never got help from them when she was depressed or sad over the loss of her dad.

She even goes to college since she had a good job that paid enough money. Even when her dad wasn't around anymore, she still pressed forward. She would go to the beach on weekends. When it was vacation breaks, she would at least stay at the beach for a week. She didn't have pets so she doesn't worry much. Always before she goes to the beach for a week or weekend, then she made sure that her house was clean.

Y/N never entered a relationship. She wasn't interested in any man she met. Some men did ask her to go for a drink, but Y/N didn't like alcohol, beer, or smoking at all. She only drank water or juice. Whenever Y/N got asked out for a date, she politely refused. She was looking for something. Someone who was different.

Then she actually met someone. A cute Merformer who'll she name Bumblebee.

My Cute Mer (Mer! Bee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now