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(Jared POV)

Looking at this new girl via Paul's memories and the mind link was one thing - I can't deny I felt something towards her. Protective maybe? But I had boiled it down to being sick of Paul and his ways towards women.

Walking into Sam's place and seeing her from behind I felt my stomach drop a little, and not because I was hungry. Once again, pushed it aside and ate with the pack. 

But when she had finished being introduced to the pack and she turned to me when I said my name, my whole world stopped spinning for a moment. I could no longer ignore the feelings.

Looking into her deep blue eyes I saw more than her soul: I saw our life together, our first date, our first kiss, her becoming apart of the pack, me in my wolf form protecting her always, getting down on one knee and putting a ring on her left hand to symbolise she was mine forever, our wedding, a baby bump, growing old together. My heart fully stopped for a second and the rest of the pack was invisible to me. When my heart finally started once again, it wasn't mine anymore. It beat for her now. Juliet. My Juliet. 

The stuff I had seen in romance movies and through Sam's mind was happening to me - I had just imprinted on this girl. And in that moment I made a promise with myself that no matter where life took me or what she needed, I would be there for her. Unconditionally. Always.

(Juliet POV)

Looking into Jared's honey brown eyes, I felt a rush of emotions come over me, all of the emotions in the room at once. But only one was important to me now. It was as if the rest of the room was behind a glass window, and I knew they were there, and I was aware of their emotions, but my undivided attention fell to Jared. That had never been something I had been able to do before - drown out others feelings so easily and focus on one. It was in my nature to feel everything. But somehow only Jared was relevant now.

I felt his heart race, I felt his eyes staring into mine, and in response my palms became sweaty, my own heart felt like it skipped irregularly and rapidly, and I couldn't seem to rip my eyes away. In fact, I was feeling drawn to him. 

Finally, the room began to speak up again, clearly invested in whatever was happening between Jared and I, and they broke me from my trance. 

"Aw that is so cute!" Seth cooed.

"You've gotta be fucken kidding me." Paul spoke angrily.

"Paul, calm down." Jacob said fed up, looking back to us and smirking. I glanced around the room and noticed everyone was watching me and Jared, all of them smiling knowingly, and Emily with a hand on her heart, pulling Sam closer to her lovingly in understanding. 

I looked back to Jared who was still recovering from whatever the hell just happened, now feeling more understandable and standard emotions. He was being overcome with anxiety, confusion, devotion, more confusion, curiosity, protectiveness, anger which I think was towards Paul, and most of all, love.

"Hey are you okay? You feel a little overwhelmed...maybe you should step outside and get some air?" I asked, leaning slightly forward from my seat to maintain his attention and make him seem comfortable in my care. 

"What do you mean he feels overwhelmed?" Sam questioned. Looking up at him, his resistance to me had vanished. He was no longer protective of his mates and feeling cautious around me, but all of a sudden seemed fully trusting in me being there and had absolutely no hesitation with me being there. Weird. Now it was just curiosity and inclusiveness. 

"I uh...I just meant I could tell he was-"

"Paul, you need to lose the attitude or go outside," Sam suddenly directed his attention to a very sour looking Paul. He was extremely paternal and stern in that moment, making his position in their group very clear. Paul looked between Jared and I once more and stalked out of the house with a huff. 

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now