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Making my way over to Sam's place before school today, I felt more in tune with myself than I ever had before. Maybe it was an illusion, a placebo, but everything seemed to be making sense. All the questions I had ever had about myself seemed clear, and as I drove through the trees surrounding the highway from Forks to La Push, my magnetic pull towards the forest made sense.

I was seeing things differently, I felt at ease with the facts I had learned, and I felt at complete peace with it.

Carlisle had given me the 'ok' to drive seeing as my broken leg wasn't my driving leg, and I was able to hobble around with my crutches pretty sufficiently. Plus, my wrist was almost healed, now I know that's thanks to my genes. 

It seems that since I learned about all of this, my body, my conscience, everything about me grew into the label overnight. Like it always knew what it was and what it was going to be, but hearing it out loud affirmed the possibilities and my body decided to hit a growth spurt over night, but in the form of a fay transformation.

Like I said, was probably just me thinking I felt different when I was really just excited, but either way I felt good. And I felt more connected to my mother than I ever had before.

Hobbling on my crutches through the back door of Emily and Sam's place, finally comfortable enough to not knock after being instructed to show up whenever countless times, I cocked my head to the side at the sight of seeing Paul in the kitchen with a chef's hat, and stark naked except for a bright pink and red "Kiss the Cook" apron, letting his butt hang out the back. Seth wore a maid's outfit and accompanied him in the kitchen, while Jared stood on the kitchen bench in a plain white apron tied around his waist, no shirt, and a bow tie around his neck. How the hell did he look so good in that?

"Oh my..." I verbalised at the sight of Seth dusting Jared's bow tie as Paul madly whisked whatever was in the bowl.

"Tinkerbell!" Paul called from the kitchen, and the rest of the guys came to greet me.

I laughed hysterically at Jared's blushed cheeks and Seth prancing around in his fishnets and maid skirt. "Have I got the wrong house?" I questioned, tears pooling at my eyes.

Emily rounded the corner along with a very much 'done with their shit' Sam who was trying not to laugh at his pack. "Embry and Quil bet that Paul couldn't make breakfast as good as mine, so obviously Paul recruited some elves and is pulling out all the stops," she explained as she made me sit down and took my crutches to ensure I wouldn't get up again.

"Excuse me, tink, need you to taste this please." Paul walked over to me, seemingly proud of his new nickname, with the mixing bowl in his hands.

He brought the spoon with the batter to my lips and I hesitantly tasted whatever he had made. "Ahhh not bad at all!" I complimented, Paul's face lighting up at the comment and looking utterly ecstatic at the news! But as he turned around skipping away and flaunting his very cute butt, I turned to Emily with a horrified look of disgust, causing Sam and Emily to stifle their laughter.

"So you ready to find out more about being a fairy?" Jared asked me as he took a seat beside me. It was very difficult to take him seriously when he somehow looked that sexy wearing a bow tie and apron. 

"Fay, that sounds less cheesy. But I guess so, I mean I still doubt I have any power at all but sure," I chuckled back.

"One thing I know about fays is that the more frequently they use their powers the stronger they get. So once you begin practising, you'll unlock more ability and become more comfortable using them. Kind of like how you said you've gotten better over time and the gift you have now has grown from understanding to manipulation." Quil added.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now