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"What did you think?" Jared asked me, anxious and itching to know my answer.

"That was incredible, Jared...I'm so glad you wanted me to come, I've never heard anything like it." I said, gushing with admiration for the stories we had heard.

He beamed at my response. "Really!? I mean I know you love wolves, I saw you draw them in your sketchbook at your place,"

"Yeah I've always loved wolves, but these stories, gosh they're just so realistic! And the story about the third wife, holy cow...it was so beautiful and heartbreaking and raw," I continued, noticing Jared's relief and happiness the more I admired the legends.

"Oh you like that one? Well that's good," he smiled smugly.

"What's that face?" I said, poking his cheek playfully.

"Oh nothing, nothing. I like that one too, I guess." I smirked, looking down at me. 

Sam approached the two of us as the rest of the tribe talked amongst themselves and ate the food Emily had provided. "Hey, what did you think, Juliet?"

"I was just telling Jared, those stories are beautiful, Sam. Thank you for letting me come tonight. I seriously loved them all," I smiled gratefully at him and he was warmed at my words, also happy I was so invested in the night.

"You're always welcome here, Jules. Now I know Jared wanted to go for a walk with you, but when you guys are done, how about I take you to talk to the elders?" he asked, referring to the promise of a conversation earlier regarding my 'gift'. 

I nodded gratefully. "Yeah, sounds good." he smiled, sending Jared a nod, and I intercepted the feeling of encouragement and good luck he was sending to Jared. Interesting.

"Shall we?" Jared said, standing and offering his hand to me. I took it without hesitation. "I'm just gonna go and tell Paul something really quick, grab some water and we can go for a wander." he said, awaiting my nod of approval before he jogged off to take care of his list. I saw Leah send me an encouraging wink which I shook my head and smiled at, before aimlessly wandering towards the foot of the tree line awaiting Jared's return.

I was still within his eye sight so I knew it was fine. I waited just outside the forest, looking towards the water, imagining all the things Jared could want to talk to me about, when I heard footsteps behind me. "What you thinking about?" 

I gasped, startled at the stranger approaching from behind me. Where did she come from? And why did she look so familiar. Her bright orange hair blew over her shoulder as she stopped beside me. "Uhhh hi, not much." I said shortly, confused at her confidence with me. 

"Can I steal you for a second?" she said as if she was an old friend. 

"Sorry? I'm actually just waiting for a friend, so I-"

She giggled lowly. "Sorry, I meant, you're coming with me." Her face suddenly went from a polite smile to a stern, terrifying face. Looking closer I finally realised where she seemed so familiar from. The red hair, even redder eyes, this was the girl from my dream.

Before I could even comment on her eye colour and question her health and offer aid, the woman grabbed my shoulder and turned me into her body before taking off in a massive leap. I didn't see any wires on her, how did she jump so high? How is she so strong? What the fuck is happening.

I let out a scream as the girl suspended us in the air, and when I was finally able to, I opened my eyes to see her swinging us through the trees in the dark forest. "Let me go!" I screamed, but her grip on my neck only tightened, cutting off most of my oxygen but all of my vocal abilities. I was just praying that someone had heard me scream already.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora