.twenty six.*

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AN // Hello and welcome to another smutty chapter. I'll flag the start and end of the smut part so you can skip over it if you want - it won't change the storyline, just add a bit of fun to our lovebirds (and much more graphic than the other smut teasers, so be warned). Enjoy!

"What else has changed?" Alice asked me as we sat at the lunch table at school.

I had just recounted the changes my body and powers were going through as my birthday was a mere few days away at this point.

"Well apart from the eyes, the nature powers, the body heat and muscles, and the hair growth, I think that's about it." I summarised. Since the battle, my blonde hair had grown out more, along with my eyelashes darkening, and my body toning up. 

I have to admit, I was relieved at the subtlety of the changes. Eye colour wasn't necessarily noticed by everyone and contacts were a great excuse or even cover up if I felt the need to revert back to blue. Everything else was invisible to the un-observant eye, and that made me grateful.

"Ok if I'm gonna be totally honest, I think because you look at yourself everyday, you aren't noticing it all." Rosalie interjected as if I had left out something crazy obvious.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?" I pressed. Had I missed something?

"I've noticed you can't stop being drawn to nature, you compelled three of your teachers to have class outside even though it was raining, this week alone. Plus you're always wearing green now, and I think your skin has evened out, gotten more olive." she observed, making me remember the elements I had missed.

Emmett nodded along. "Also your scent has changed. You used to not have one, now you're kind of this sweet cinnamon smell." he recounted.

"I guess it could be a lot worse than cinnamon," I thanked. "Is there anything else I missed?"

Jasper sat up straighter. "Other than your powers growing majorly, don't think so. But keep your eyes peeled, because clearly you're evolving quicker than you thought."

I nodded, finishing my celery and carrots as we spoke. "What are you guys doing tonight?" I asked politely.

"Hunting, it's been a while." Edward answered softly. 

I was grateful my kind didn't have to hunt or anything of the sort. "What about you?" Bella added.

"I have a hot date tonight," I smirked proudly at the thought of Jared.

Alice and Rosalie cheered softly. "You guys are seriously so cute together." 

I blushed at their words. "He's so good to me." I whispered, knowing they would hear it.

"He's so whipped is what he is," Emmett finished, Rose smacking him in the back of the head.

"Oh don't be such a boy. He's in love - he's in imprint - he's devoted. I think it's beautiful," Alice defended, smiling at me and sending a supportive wink.

I found it hard to believe he was as in love as me - but his thoughts, and everyone else's words, told me I was wrong. 

"What are you two doing tonight then?" Edward asked.

"I actually don't know, he never tells me what we're doing, he knows I hate surprises so he loves torturing the inner control freak in me." 

Alice and Bella shared a look and smirked to themselves, emitting smug energy, which definitely didn't go unnoticed by me. I considered tapping into their thoughts, but my own were too occupied with thoughts of Jared to care.

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