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I'd been spending most afternoons outside in the forest doing my homework recently, so I can't say I was surprised when on the Thursday afternoon during class with Jasper and Rosalie, my head started throbbing and my throat felt scratchy. "Uh oh," I mumbled to myself.

"What's wrong, Juliet?" Jasper asked, looking concerned as he turned to me quickly. 

"I'm fine, I think I might be getting sick, that's all." I explained. He nodded sympathetically. 


"Yeah, but I should have been smarter, it's probably my own fault I've been outside in the cold a lot. Guess my body isn't used to this weather yet."

He laid a freezing hand to my forehead and the contrast in temperature made me think I must have been running a fever, though I felt cold. "Maybe you should go home?" Rosalie offered when she saw our reactions to my temperature.

"It's nearly the end of the day anyway, I'll be fine." I hated missing school.

The two watched me cautiously the rest of the day, knowing I wasn't one to complain. And I can't say I was surprised when I woke up on the friday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus.

When I didn't come down all peppy and searching for coffee at my usual time, dad knocked on my door concerned. "Hey Jules, you up?" I groaned in response, and he came further into the room.

"You not well baby?" I managed to look up at him through squinted eyes. 

"I think I have a cold or flu or something, I feel like shit." I groaned, my voice clearly husky and dry.

He came over to feel my forehead. "I'll let that language slide, because you don't sound great. Jesus Jules you're burning up!" he shouted when he made contact. 

"I feel freezing," I protested.

"I'm gonna go and call the school, let them know you're home for the day. Then I'll call work and say I need to stay with you."

"No no, dad seriously I just wanna sleep it off. Go to work, I'll be fine here. I mean it." I said, breaking into a coughing fit directly after from excessive use, before my voice fizzled right out and I lost it. 

He agreed, but not before dosing me up on flu medication and giving me a whiteboard and marker to write with in case I needed to talk, and leaving me to sleep off this horrible cold.

A few hours later, I woke up to my phone buzzing with some texts. 

Jared: Hey Bo, you not at school today?

Juliet: How did you know that, stalker? ;)

Jared: Small towns, Jules. Bella told Jacob she didn't see you in second.

I smiled to myself at the close knit nature of this area, rolling over to attempt to make myself feel a little warmer in a new layer of blanket. 

Jared: So are you okay?

Juliet: I have the flu. Feel like I've been hit by a bus :(

Jared: Say less.


That kid can be so weird.

I also answered texts from Jasper.

Jasper: Hello Juliet, I hear you're not in today. I can collect your homework and bring it by if you'd like? I hope you're feeling okay,

- Jasper

I laughed at the differences in the boys' texts.

Juliet: Hey Jasper, thank you so much for the offer! Are you sure it's not too much trouble? You're very kind, sorry I'm not there to entertain you today.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now