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(Jared POV) 

I had barely hung out with this girl once and already she was all I could think about. Fuck Paul and his imprint disbelief, this is torment. Sam understands how confusing it all is and has been super patient with me but goddam. I cannot get Juliet out of my head.

"Please bring her over tonight, I'll do anything." I bargained with Paul and the guys. 

"Dude, put him out of his misery, he's driving me fucken crazy," Embry pitched in.

Paul finally gave in. "Fine, BUT, only because I want to make sure we're cool after I acted all weird yesterday. Not for you, Cameron."

I'll take it.

(Juliet POV)

Heading to school this morning, I wore high waisted blue jeans and a white top, with basic white sneakers, a navy blue headband to bring back my signature preppy street style, and a beige classic coat. I threw my black leather backpack over my shoulder, gave dad a kiss goodbye and headed out the door keen to see my friends again and see what the day would bring. 

As if on cue, I was met with the Cullens waiting at their cars for me. "Wassup, Gwen Stacey!" Emmett called teasingly. I shook my head and threw up my finger at him. 

"Hey guys," I returned, locking my car. 

"Ready for day two?" Rose cooed. 

"Hell yeah I am," I said somewhat sarcastically and they all giggled.

The day flew past if I'm being honest. I sat with the Cullens at lunch, but mingled with some girls called Jessica and Angela, as well as others I met throughout the day. 

Walking out of school with the Cullens, I spotted Embry, Paul and Jacob across the parking lot waiting at my car. They seemed tense at the sight of the Cullens beside me, but remained still. "Awesome well I'll see you guys later then?" I promised as I headed over to my car. However, was stopped by Jessica on my way.

"Hey! I know this might be weird but I was made to give you this. Mike's friend Stan kinda took a liking to you." she explained, handing me a written down phone number. 

"Oh? Well I'm not really into the whole dating thing, I guess I'm getting out of something back home." I returned apologetically. 

"Oh no need to explain. I'm only giving you this to say I tried, girl, no stress." 

That was weird.

Reaching the car, Embry and Jake hovered back to give Paul space. 

"Are we good?" he asked flatly, not wasting a second.

"Yeah of course. Just get over yourself, yeah?" I joked, causing Embry and Jacob to throw their heads back in laughter. Embry bowed down to me playfully and opened the passenger door for me to get into, and not even questioning it, I handed my keys to Paul. "Where we going?"

"Sam's of course, Jacob promised to help fix his car but we'll all be there." Paul answered.

"Oh cool, you're into cars?" As I asked, the guys all rolled down their windows as if to air out the car, but it didn't smell to me. These dudes are weird sometimes. 

"Yeah, we all are to an extent." I nodded, understanding their interest.

Arriving at the cottage, Jared was leaning against the kitchen counter with Seth, Sam and Quil observing him amused. He was attempting to look the most natural while also showing the most muscle possible. They could also hear his heart beating even faster as he heard the three boys pull up  with Juliet.

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