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Warning: This chapter gets a little smutty at the end (only a little, but I promised I'd warn you at the start of mature chapters) so proceed with caution xx Libby.

I could get used to wearing Jared's jumpers. He'd given me a blue jersey with La Push Wolves written on the front in yellow and white writing, and it was so large it covered my denim shorts unless I hoisted it up. I loved it. It smelled like him.

There we were, walking back from an early morning beach walk. It was a Saturday morning, peaceful and crisp in La Push.  It felt like a puzzle piece had clicked into position, everything was just so easy and natural being with Jared. I hadn't seen him since the previous Wednesday, however, as there was pack emergencies going on throughout the week. The red head had kept coming back, and both the Cullens and the pack had been working hours on end to catch her to no avail. Jacob and Paul even ended up on the Canadian border on Wednesday night.

They still don't know what she wants.

Jared walked with an arm tightly around my shoulders as we enjoyed the sunrise over the water, soaking up each other's company. Being with him relieved a craving I'd had for days without even knowing it. We hadn't put a label on it technically but he was my world. And I was his. No label could come close to how we felt together and how much we meant to one another.

Finally, we reached the pack house. "Morning lovebirds," Jacob called out from the kitchen table as he stretched to wake himself up.

"Tinkerbell! You two look cute together aww, I'm so happy Jared wised up and won you back," Paul said, embracing me warmly. 

I laughed so frequently around this pack and I loved it. They really were  family. "Is Sam here? I want to talk to him." I questioned, mostly to Emily who stood in the kitchen serving breakfast.

"Yeah he'll be back, just doing the morning rounds. You okay, sweetie?" She responded sweetly as ever, bringing over my coffee just the way I liked it. I'd spent so much time here since I moved, Emily got to know my coffee needs and always provided me with the goods when I visited. She's the real most valuable player on this team. 

"Oh yeah all good, nothing serious," I responded giving her a hug from behind lovingly as I took my seat beside Leah. 

I had decided I was going to ask Sam if I could help out with these patrols in any way. Seeing the guys so tired made me feel useless, and I know they were absolutely running their energy to its lowest chasing this red head bitch so frequently. I was willing to help in any way I could. 

Also, what they didn't know yet, was that I had been mastering more powers. I'd figured out how to move objects with my mind and was getting better and better at it. Then there was the manipulation with my eye contact, I had been getting more versed in healing powers, getting stronger and stronger physically almost to the point of being considered super strength, and I had even figured out how to enter mind links thanks to Edward. I knew that telepathy was a possibility for some fays, but not all of them could master the art. However due to my strong genes and my mother being so powerful as well as passing that power on to me when she died, I'd been able to unlock a lot more than was written in the books. 

Not to mention, when you have a mind-reading vampire on your side to help train you, you pick things up pretty quickly. 

I'd even learned how to allow Edward access into my mind and share my own thoughts at will. Then of course there was the emotion gift that started it all. Jasper had shown me how to switch it off when I needed, as well as use the emotion thing to extend into making people see what I wanted them to see. It was a dangerous, powerful trick, but also fun. Jasper couldn't do it himself but he'd always tried, so teaching me was a great joy for him as he felt like he had personally won.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now