.thirty two.

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Since Elliot's death, time had been going way to quickly for my liking. All of a sudden, it was Christmas Eve, and we were spending it at my house with both the Cullens, the pack, and of course my father.

They were all worried about me. 

Jared had to practically force me to go back to the nest once we got home from the funeral because my magic was so depleted and I was so exhausted. That's what I get for literally giving away every ounce of positive emotion I had left to make sure that his family would be okay.

I had been getting better overtime, but there was no way to replace Elliot. 

Pia had been spending her time travelling the world and even stopped past Washington before she went home for Christmas so she could visit. 

On the outside I was fine, I was coping. But on the inside I felt immense guilt. I had began asking myself if there was any way I could have used my magic to change the outcome, reverse time, and became somewhat obsessed with researching the possibility. 

I visited the nest about once a week on average, and every time I did, I checked if anyone had any updates on reversing death. 


Even fays couldn't do such dark things for the purpose of it messing with the balance of everything.

Little things from within the nest as well as my family and friends were helping me cope. Like last week, I was sitting around telling the children about Christmas and what it means. I told them it was a time for giving, we all spent time with our family etc. and they loved the idea.

Little Dove even gave me a scroll today when I visited, telling me to put it under my tree from her. 

I had grown to love each and every member of the community, and they welcomed me so warmly, the children looking up to me and living for my stories of the nest.

When I had introduced the pack to them, they had fallen in love with Emily who insisted that we brought them human muffins seeing as she couldn't come with us. The children spent the day crawling all over Paul and Sam, marvelling at their sheer size, and Seth had found himself getting a lesson on hair braiding while Quil, Embry and Jake were giving piggy back rides. 

My world was complete, and yet I still felt like a massive part was missing since Elliot had gone.

He visited me in my dreams often, telling me to move on, forgive myself, forget. But I couldn't. Not completely.

I had excused myself from the hot chocolate drinking and cuddling in the living room and made my way out into the backyard to get a second alone, grateful for my family and friends allowing me some time without questioning it or worrying too much.

I felt guilty having fun now. I know that was wrong, but it's how I felt. 

If only I could use my emotion power on myself sometimes.

I found myself looking up at the stars and enjoying being outside, when my father's voice sounded from behind me. "Juliet? Can you come inside for a minute?" 

I turned around and saw him, felt his nervousness. "What for?" I asked, not wanting to commit to an answer yet.

He shifted on his feet. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

I raised my eyebrow. What? Don't tell me he's met someone...

I walked back inside, passing the pack and the Cullens (minus Edward and Bella who were on their honey moon), who had looks on their faces that symbolised I wouldn't be happy, or they were concerned as to what would happen next. I shared a look with Alice, trying to read her mind for a hint of what was happening, before my father stood before me in the living room with a woman beside him.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now