Chapter 3

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I slowly open my eyes, vision still blurry. Before I can even process where I am, I realise I'm snuggled into someone's chest. I can't remember the last time I shared a bed with someone, what is going on? I hear a groan, and the mystery arms tighten around my waist. Instantly, I realise I'm in Sydney, Australia, it's 7:30am, I've slept through my alarm, and I'm tangled in Harry's arms as though we're some sort of couple. I jump out of bed without a second thought, and I'm nearly blinded by the rays of sunshine streaming through the window. I guess we forgot to close the curtains.

I've always been an overthinker, and today is no exception. I know I didn't go to sleep in Harry's arms, so why did I wake up in them? I glance over and spot the pillows strewn around the bed that was once our pillow wall. How did the bed get so dishevelled? I begin pacing around the room in horror. I know it's really not a big deal, but working professionals don't wake up, snuggling in the same bed together. This is highly, highly inappropriate and wrong on so many levels. What am I supposed to do now? This sleeping arrangement can't go on. I decide that I'm going to have to find a new room for the rest of our stay here. I know it's our tradition to always have adjacent rooms, but these circumstances aren't the same as usual.

I spot the clock on the wall. It's 7:35 now, and we need to allow for a 15 minute drive to the studio, so this leaves us 10 minutes to get ready. Shit. Fucking shit.

I dart over to Harry, and gently rock his body to wake him up. His eyes quickly open in shock, but soften when he sees my worried expression looking down at his face.

'Sophie what's going on? Is everything alright?' Deciding not to tell him about how I woke up in his arms, I brush off his question and fake a smile.

'We just have 10 minutes to leave for the interview, so get up' I say. Harry doesn't seem to pick up on my stress.

'Wow, Sophie. Unlike you to be so relaxed in the face of a crisis.' He sarcastically responds.

'Haha. Very funny. Hurry up and get ready! 9 minutes before your ass needs to be out this door.' I feel myself relaxing slightly, but I know I'm going to need to bring up this room transfer at some point.

For the next 9 minutes, Harry and I rush around the room. With no time for breakfast, a morning coffee or a shower, I know I'm not going to be looking my best, especially beside Harry, who never seems to look anything less than perfect. Perfect? God, I'm really starting to sound like one of his lovestruck fans. I hope it's due to the fact I'm working on 4 and a half hours of sleep and no coffee.

In record speed, I manage to get ready for the day, slipping on a black silk midi skirt with a white t-shirt tucked into the waistband. Today is not the day for anything with a heel, so I opt for my rattan sandals. Luckily, Harry chose to get ready in the bathroom, and just as the clock strikes 7:45, he walks out, dressed in a white t-shirt, brown pants, white vans, a plaid jacket and his go-to pearl necklace.

I grab my bag, hoping to god it's already packed with everything I need and we dash out the door.

We make it to the car only two minutes later than planned, and I sit down, feeling like I can finally breathe for the first time since waking up. Harry doesn't seem stressed in the slightest, watching me fiddle with a loose thread on my skirt. A nervous habit of mine.

I know if I don't tell Harry now I'm going to keep avoiding the topic until it's too late.

'Harry, I need to tell you something.' He lifts his gaze from my nervous fingers and he looks at me with a smile.

'We can't stay in the same room anymore. I thought it was going to be fine but I've realised that I just don't think it's appropriate.' His smile fades, and I can't help but feel like I've hurt his feelings. I'm sure I'm just imagining it though.

'Why?' He asks slowly.

'I...I..we just can't. It wasn't a good idea in the first place. I'm your assistant anyway.' Harry gives me a small nod and shifts his gaze to watch the passing streets of Sydney.

We make it just in time to the studio, and the interview goes off without a hitch. I can't help but feel like Harry is down throughout the whole thing, but forcing a smile nonetheless. I tell myself it's just because of our lack of sleep and lack of breakfast, because thinking of any other reason enters an uncharted territory I won't allow myself to think about.

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