Chapter 40

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This morning someone from YSL came to my room to drop off my dress and shoes. Currently, the dress is hanging in the bathroom in a black bag with an Yves Saint Laurent logo and my name on the front. This is the treatment I usually see for Harry, so it's strange that it's for me this time.

Eleanor, my mom and I all slept in this morning only eventually managing to get up for breakfast, at a time more suitable to brunch. We ate one of the hotel restaurants, L'Espadon. The menu had two options of either an American or Japanese breakfast, and we all opted for the Japanese option. My mom was especially confused as to why a French hotel wouldn't offer a French breakfast, but she dropped the topic when her meal actually arrived and she took a bite.

We spent the afternoon wandering the streets of Paris, exploring the stores and seeing all the sights. We were real tourists for a day, and that was unfamiliar but exciting. Usually when I'm in a foreign country there isn't much time to explore. The trip is always focused on what Harry has to do, which doesn't bother me because I'm paid to be there for that reason, but it's nice to go somewhere without having to think about working. Walking around Paris and being able to appreciate its beauty cemented that, while extravagant, Niall taking Amelia to Paris is a surefire impressive gesture.

It's a strange feeling being here for something I've achieved. The success of the blog is something I've done on my own, without the influence of Harry. Of course, there are going to be readers there because of Harry, but the analytics show that people read truly because they enjoy what I've written and not just because they're on the lookout for a mention of Harry, and that brings me an immense amount of pride. I've never once felt like I've been living in his shadow because he's not the type of person to make someone feel like that, but the reality of the situation is that my identity has been linked to Harry's from the day I started working for him. With how big he is, I probably won't ever just be Sophie in the media without mention of him too, regardless of my future, whether I'll even remain in the media, and what happens between us in the future, but being invited to this show was something I've done largely on my own.

Harry and I didn't speak last night, but as I told my mom I would, I texted him when I woke up to tell him I love him and to sleep well. It's 6pm here in Paris now, which means he should be awake, but he hasn't replied. It feels weird that he hasn't responded, but I'm going to follow my mom's advice and not let it worry me. After last night's pep talk, I refuse to let the time here be ruined if I can just talk with Harry when I get home. Of course I miss him, but my mom was right in saying that we need our time apart.

I'm sitting on the balcony watching the street below and the sun set, when I hear a knocking on the door. Our itinerary said we were going to have hair and makeup artists coming in, which seems incredibly extravagant, but I'm still alarmed at the sheer amount of people that appear behind the doorway when I open it.

'Sophie Lawson? We are here as your hair and makeup team.' One lady with blonde hair says, accompanied by a heavy French accent. I assume both my mom and Eleanor have matching teams of people outside their doors too, and I imagine my mom is absolutely soaking up the possibility of making new friends.

'Hi! That's me, come in.' I smile, struggling to keep the grin off my face. I move aside and let everyone in, and the space changes from a hotel room to a set. Chairs and tables are opened, cases of hair products and makeup are spread on the table, and there's a flurry of activity in a room that was so peaceful just a minute ago.

I'm still standing in the doorway and looking at the group of people when I notice a man and woman with massive cameras setting up lights. The man spots my gaze on the camera around his neck, and explains why he's here too.

'The Saint Laurent marketing team would like photos of you for their social medias.' He states, matter of factly. I was not aware this was happening and everything about this experience is completely foreign to me, and that's really showing through now.

The Adjacent Room [h.s]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora