Chapter 31

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'Can you turn that off.' I mumble to Harry who miraculously woke up to the alarm this morning, referencing the blaring alarm beside me. He does as I ask, but nearly squashes me with his body weight when he reaches over.

'We have to get up.' Harry groans while tapping on my phone screen, his body language clearly suggesting otherwise. He falls back onto the pillow beside me, and I curl back into him.

'Later.' I whisper, closing my eyes again. It seems that going into the studio is a surefire way to end up in relationship turmoil after what happened yesterday, so I'd much rather stay here and pretend One Direction doesn't have an album to create in 3 months.

'5 minutes and then we're up.' He whispers back, kissing my nose.

'Of course, 5 minutes.' I say into his neck, smiling.

'5 minutes, obviously.' He laughs quietly.

'I love the way you say 'obviously'' I mumble, still half asleep and not knowing what I'm doing.

'You do?'

'Mhm.' I sigh, and fall back asleep while he does the same.


My eyes open to a wild Harry hurriedly pacing around the almost pitch black room. I turn to check the time on my phone, and it's 7:40. We're supposed to be at the studio in 20 minutes, and should've woken up 40 minutes ago. Fuck!

'Why didn't you wake me up?' I ask Harry, jumping out of the bed and practically sprinting into the closet. He turns around at the sound of my voice, obviously shocked that I'm awake. I don't know why he didn't wake me, and in all honesty, the thought sort of bothers me.

'You wanted to sleep, so I thought I'd let you.' He shrugs, either disregarding or not noticing the slight tone of annoyance in my voice. It's the same cycle of him trying to get me to not work, and me feeling like I'm pressuring him to let me come to work with him. It shouldn't be like this, yet it continues to be.

'Harry I work for you, I don't just get days off for no reason but because I don't feel like getting out of bed.' I answer shortly. I'm so sick of this good one minute, bad the next. This keeps happening, and it's starting to feel like it's a given that we'll ride this rollercoaster every day.

'What was going to happen if I just didn't wake up, would have you just left?' I add in, accidentally sounding very accusatory.

'I don't know what I would've done, I didn't think that far ahead. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I want you there, I do, I just feel like I'm dragging you places.' He answers, pulling his long green jacket off the hanger, but keeping his gaze focused on me.


After only a day, the studio already looks like One Direction headquarters. Leslie's little signs on the doors are an obvious giveaway, but there are little touches of the band everywhere. The grey sweatshirt Louis abandoned yesterday hangs off the piano, the guitar Niall left resting on the couch remains in its place, and the Chinese takeout box Liam failed to put in the trashcan sits on the stool for the keyboard. There's a bottle of Harry's half drunk water sitting on the floor of the isolation booth he was in yesterday, so I'm going to assume he's claiming that room as his personal office.

After our slight mishap this morning, Harry and I haven't spoken much. Not in the car, and certainly not now we're in the studio. Our conversation felt forced, and I hate forced conversation; a trait I picked up from my mom. I'd rather not speak than speak awkwardly, and Harry didn't say much either, so we sat in near silence the whole way here. As soon as we got to the studio, Harry was dragged away by Jett from the management, which left me standing alone.

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