Chapter 27

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My eyes snap open to a ringing phone..Harry's ringing phone. I'm not sure what time it is, but the dark sky would indicate it's some time before 6am. There's no way we've been asleep for any more than 3 hours.

Despite the windows being open, the whole room is dark, except for the light illuminating from Harry's phone screen. I've already got a minor headache from last night's alcohol, but I think I'm sober now. We're only covered by the thin blanket that permanently lives on the couch, but I'm so warm in every way. My head is curled into Harry's chest, and my hand is on his heart so I can feel its steady beating. His whole body encompasses mine, and the way I'm curled into him and the way his chin touches the top of my head is like two puzzle pieces fitting together, and it feels just like home. The way he managed to tear down this wall that I had built and construct more and more of this whole new world every day will forever amaze me. It's so strange that one person can do so much without ever realising it.

The phone continues to ring while I lay in Harry's arms, and then I realise he's not going to wake up. Harry and his deep sleeping tendencies can get the best of him, and it's lucky me and my light sleeping tendencies usually come in to save the day. Before his phone stops ringing, I reach over onto the coffee table, bringing the phone ringing with the unknown number, to my ear.

' this Harry?' Says a voice I recognise, but can't pick.

'It's..Sophie. Harry's assistant.' I answer with a very tired sounding voice. I definitely should not have responded with that, because normal assistants don't answer their boss's phone at..5am, according to the time at the top of the screen.

'Oh, right..hi Sophie.'s Jett. Harry has a cover shoot..right now with American GQ.' He says, and then it clicks. Jett, one of the people from management. Shit. There is no way in hell something like an interview for a massive magazine would slip my mind, would it? I refuse to believe I've made an error so fatal, but in what world do GQ shoots get organised the day of the shoot?

'I'm so sorry to ask this, was this scheduled already?' My head is starting to pound, and I sit up in my spot on the couch. I knew that our personal relationship was getting in the way of our professional one, but I didn't realise I'd let it get so bad to forget about a shoot with fucking GQ magazine!

' was just organised about an hour ago. You haven't forgotten anything.' Jett affirms, and a wave of calm washes over me. It doesn't last for long, because then I'm hit with another wave of panic. An interview organised at 4 in the morning? Surely this is a joke.

'It's an article for One should have just received an email with the address we need you an hour.' I think I let out some sort of sound close to a dying animal, because Harry wakes up with a panicked look and pinching his lip, illuminated by the light from his phone screen.

'An hour? Do we need to bring anything?' I hurriedly ask. Harry's face changes from panic to puzzlement and irritation.

', not that I'm aware of.' Not that he's aware of? What type of management is this?

'Styling will all be here, along with catering and hair and makeup. Just..uh..just come as soon as possible, no later than 6.' With that, he hangs up.

This is an absolute disaster. I don't think I've been this stressed since the night Harry opened the hotel room door to reveal one bed. There are about 6 different things wrong with this situation. First, we've both only slept for about 2 and a half hours and that's obviously a concern, paired with the fact that in the last 48 hours, Harry has slept for a total of 6 and a half hours. Then, the fact he now has an interview and a photoshoot in an hour. As well as that, we're both not feeling the best considering our alcohol consumption. On top of that, there is no time to get ready properly, and I most definitely won't look presentable in an hour. I can't say the same for Harry, who always looks perfect. Also, there is no way the last minute organisation of this shoot is ethical. This whole 'oh yeah, here's another event not scheduled in Harry's calendar that he'll need to attend anyway' business is really starting to get on my nerves. Finally, I can't even see the room in the dark, but it definitely looks like the scene of a hookup. I guess it is the scene of a hookup, but I really didn't feel like seeing my dress lying in the kitchen and the rest of what I was wearing on the floor at 5 in the morning. Oh, and the fact I now have a tattoo. I can't deny that I love the tattoo, but the sudden presence of Reggie really adds to the ambience of the situation.

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