Chapter 37

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Along with myself, Harry hasn't been sleeping well lately. He returned home at 5am about a week and a half ago now, and his restless nights have only gotten worse since. When I wake up today, it's to a groaning Harry and his ringing phone. Then it hits me that today is August 21st, my birthday. I've never been the type to love celebrating my birthday. In typical Kelli-Anne fashion, my mom used to throw massive parties every year for my birthday, and invite everyone from my class. As much as I love and appreciate her for it, it made every birthday feel more like an obligation. To go through the stress of organising a huge party with people whom I've only spoken to a few times was stressful for both myself and my mom. I love to celebrate other people's and I love to give gifts, but I just always find my own birthday sort of awkward. Receiving attention from people who only seem to feel obligated just doesn't feel natural.

I'm pulled out of my childhood birthday reverie when I hear Harry begrudgingly answer his phone. I think he still thinks I'm asleep, so his movements remain quiet and his voice is hushed.

'Hey.' He mumbles, eyes probably still half closed. Of course, I'm not in his arms, but I'm close enough to make out the voice on the other end of the line.

'Hi Harry, we need you We've decided to put your solo parts for the tracks we did yesterday up a key, so we need you to..come in to re record.' The voice says, and I think it's Jett. It's typical that Jett would be calling. He always seems to be the one making the calls.

'Uh..I can't..come in.' Harry stutters. What?

'Why not?' Jett asks, sounding just as shocked as I am.

'I' the team already, not coming in today.' Harry clarifies, making it sound more like a question. I had no idea he wasn't going into the studio today, and I have no idea why he wouldn't be. To be fair, I love the idea of spending my birthday with him at home, if his mystery day off doesn't include other plans not occurring in this house.

'We..need you in, I'm sorry Harry.' Jett responds, almost sounding genuinely apologetic. I hear Harry take a deep breath, and I brace myself for what's coming next.

'I'm sorry too, but I can't. Not today.' Harry snaps back, suddenly very agitated. His voice is low and quiet, I assume in an attempt to not wake me, but I'm hearing the conversation anyway. Harry is stubborn, and I selfishly hope this resolve doesn't crumble.

'Look, I get you had the day scheduled off, but you' the record if you don't re record these parts.' Jett mumbles, trying his very best to defend against Harry whose voice is intimidatingly low right now. I rarely see Harry like this, and I've never seen him so willing to argue back with his management before. Whatever he needs this day off for must be important.

'I understand that, but I can re record these parts any other day of the week. Today it's not happening.' He pushes back, and I can tell at this point he's pushing his luck. Nonetheless, he has a very valid point.

'They want these tracks done today, I don't..I don't know what else to tell you, I'm sorry.' Jett stutters, now audibly intimated and taken aback with Harry's new found agitation.

'It's Sophie's birthday.' Harry starts, his voice softening at my name. Did he really want the day off just for me? 'I'm in the studio for hours every other day, and this day off has been planned for ages.' His voice is back to cold, and I'm shocked he's had a day off planned for so long, just for me. Recently it's felt like he's been avoiding me, so this gesture and his persistence to follow it through makes my heart swell. At this, Jett is lost for words.

'Um..tell..tell Sophie I say happy birthday..if she's not coming in today. I don't really..I can't really get you out of this. I..hate being the bearer of bad news Harry, I do. I'm sorry, you just have to come in.' Jett says, apologising again and struggling to get his words out. I can sense there's an aura of annoyance surrounding Harry now, but I can't be the reason the whole band is let down. As much as I adore Harry for the gesture, especially after how we've been recently, I don't want to be the reason this album isn't finished. I need this day with him, I really, really do, but his work needs him more. I know how stressed Harry is about the time limit they have, and they're nearly a month through it already. So, with a lot of reluctance, I reach over to touch Harry's arm.

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