Chapter 11

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I make my back to my hotel room and I can barely keep it together. I realise that Harry and I barely discussed last night's events this morning, and I regret not questioning further on why he came to my room. Maybe asking would've given me more clarity. Harry didn't even question me on why I was missing at the end of the show. Did anybody even notice I was gone? It was almost strange how we just totally forgot about everything that had happened as soon as we woke up.

I need to think logically here. Mitch is one person who has one opinion suggesting that Harry may have feelings. Really it's stupid to even give this theory a second thought. If I believed all the random articles published about Harry over the years, he'd be the country's biggest womaniser and playboy, but he's not. I can't just believe everything I hear, and there are no reasons to even mildly suggest Harry may have feelings for me. I mean seriously, just last night he was crying over a song written about his ex girlfriend who he's clearly still in love with.

As much hope as it gives me, believing Mitch's words is simply illogical. I was making great progress at re-learning how to control these feelings, and now is not the time to back track because of one comment that was probably just a joke anyway.

Harry has a show tonight, and I know if I stay here in this room until I need to meet everyone at 4 I'm going to keep thinking about what Mitch said. The pain in my chest that Harry's arms finally managed to rid me of is back, and I'm getting sick of it living in there rent-free. I need a distraction before I let all the emotions take over.

I really should stay here and catch up on some work because I've basically been neglecting all the things that I'm paid to do since we arrived in Sydney. I've practically taken the whole week off to do nothing but obsess over the man that employed me, but I'm way too restless to do work and I need to distract my mind.

Despite the fact I'm supposed to be relaxed after an overpriced 2 hour massage, I'm not, so I decide to go to the gym. When we're at home, Harry and I spend a lot of time working out. We go for runs and hikes, and when we're in the gym Harry will blast One Direction while we train. A few years ago Harry even got me into boxing, so we do that too.

Whilst I reminisce, I change into a matching coloured sports bra to my leggings, chuck on my white Nikes, grab a complimentary bottle of water and my bag, and leave my room hoping that I leave the thoughts of Harry there too.

The gym is all white and very expansive with just about every type of equipment one could want, but the room starts to close in when I spot Harry in the corner. It would be just my luck that Harry is here too, and he's boxing. Just what I was going to do. I was trying to avoid thinking of him by coming here, and now he's here and he's shirtless. Great. His whole body is covered in a thin layer of sweat, his hair is tied up at the top like it always is when he exercises and his muscles appear more every time he punches the bag.

Luckily, Harry comes to my rescue and stops me from staring by spotting me standing in the doorway. I just pray that he doesn't know how long I was standing there for.

'Sophie! Do you want to join?'


'We haven't boxed in ages! Please join!'

'Oh..right, yeah. Okay...sure.' This is not what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to come in here and distract myself with each blow to the bag, and now I feel like I'm the bag that keeps getting punched with thoughts of Harry.

I walk over to Harry and he steadies the punching bag, before walking over to his own bag. I follow him over to put down my bag beside his, and grab my gloves. He pulls out a pair of boxing pads and slides his hands into them as he makes his way back to the spot we were just in.

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