Chapter 46

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I've done a lot of stupid things in my time, but not realising this is probably my newest low. It was so obvious. I should've known the second Harry was told to take that nail polish off that Leslie was going to wreak havoc.

'So it was all just you, was it?' I announce. Every face in the room drops when I walk through the door and make my presence known, but Leslie's beats them all. She's impressively intelligent and conniving and she knows exactly what I've heard, but her stone cold face doesn't react at all. However, unfortunately for her, a look of pure panic and shock flashes in her blue eyes, too fast for her to stop it and gives it all away. I'm not an argumentative person, but I'm so ready to let loose on the woman that I've built up so much anger towards.

'I don't know what you're talking about, Sophie.' She snaps, and turns around to walk away again.

'Well, let me remind you.' I say sarcastically, picking up my pace so she has no choice but to turn around. She spins around again, eyes clouded in fury. 'All you care about is making money, and have no qualms in doing whatever it takes to get it. You see people as objects, particularly the boys in this band, and quite frankly, you lack even the slightest morals. You're tearing apart a band that has done nothing but good in this world, in some money making scheme. You've controlled the band's team from the second you arrived, and it's about to all fall apart. Was that enough of a reminder for you?' I say. I could scream a million other things, but it's obvious it all comes down to making money for her and I'm trying to remain somewhat professional.

'Let me tell you something, Sophie.' She spits, inching closer to me. 'If there's anyone here to blame for whatever nonsense you're talking about, it's you.'

'I'm to blame? For what? Overworking Harry until the point of collapse?' I fight back, sounding a lot more confident than I feel. I should've stopped it sooner and I shouldn't have let Harry break himself, but I know that what I just watched has nothing to do with me.

'You are the reason this management has had to work them so hard.' She points her manicured finger at me, so close that I don't know if she's going to dig it into my chest. 'You have ruined Harry's reputation and popularity by getting into bed with him, and we had no choice. Because of you, we have had to work them tirelessly in order to make up for the fame you took from them. This is simply your fault.' She states, blank face contrasting against her rage filled eyes.  'Do you want to know what else is your fault?' She asks, not waiting for my answer before continuing. 'Harry collapsing is your fault, Sophie! He was deteriorating before your eyes and you said nothing. How could you not notice his poor health?'

'Do not bring his health into this.' I snap, already feeling guilty enough without her needing to say it. 'You are solely responsible for everything this management has done. Not one other person in this room had a hand in what you've done to them, including myself. You don't care about their health or wellbeing or the boys as people, you just care that they can keep their fame and line your pockets.' For the anger inside me right now, I sound remarkably calm.

'I care about success. I have goals, Sophie. I'm sorry if I don't want to spend my life following someone around the world who thinks I'm the flavour of the month, and getting his car washed and picking up his dry cleaning like his slave. I have goals for this brand, and it is the job of my management team to ensure they hit those goals.' That makes me angry.

'Your management team? Do you mean the team who all just told you to get out? That team all has goals for the band that don't involve collapse, exhaustion, outbursts and alcohol! I can assure you that everyone here can back me up on that. This is all on you, and you seem proud of it.' I shoot back, intrinsically knowing that everyone feels the same about her from the tension in the air. I can tell her mind is going a mile a minute trying to come up with something to fire back.

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