Chapter 20

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The candle is still flickering when I wake up, and as I'd hoped, the whole room smells like caramel. The sun is shining through the window, and I roll over to see it hitting Harry's cheekbone and casting a ray of light over one side of his face. He looks so angelic when he's sleeping, and I find myself just admiring him. My mind drifts back to last night, and I'm struggling to comprehend it actually happened. I have never in my life felt so exposed and vulnerable to someone, but so safe at the same time. Before I get lost in thought, I feel Harry's arm reach over to pull me closer to him.

'Are you okay..with last night?' He says quietly, clearly still half asleep. The fact Harry was worried enough to be thinking about it in his sleep makes me feel bad, but I love him more for it. I hope that he can treasure the moment and not let his selfless worry for me ruin that. His soul is so kind and sometimes it feels like I don't even deserve to be in his presence.

'Harry it was perfect, stop questioning yourself' I gently say, and watch his eyelids flutter before falling back asleep. I find myself touching his hair, and I kiss his cheek before getting out of bed. It feels like I love him more and more each day, and I hope it feels like that every day for the rest of my life.

I slowly fall out of my daydream, and decide that I'll make breakfast. After everything Harry has done for me, the least I can do is make him breakfast. Before leaving the room, I wash my face, brush my teeth and throw on an oversized tshirt, careful not to wake him. I take one last look at sleeping Harry, who has since curled up into a ball, before making my way to the kitchen.

I decide on making avocado toast and our usual coffees. Harry thinks that 'avocados ruin a lot of great sandwiches', but he loves eating them on toast. Yesterday I chose a pane di casa bread because Harry is certain on the fact that crusty bread is better, so I cut four slices from the loaf and toast them. I'll never understand why these artisan breads aren't pre-sliced, but if Harry wants artisan bread, then I'll slice his artisan bread.

Once the avocado is on the toast and the coffees are made, I walk back to the room. I don't want to wake up Harry if he's not awake already, but we slept in and we've got to leave in 3 hours for the show tonight. Unfortunately, this means that Harry will be getting woken up whether he likes it or not.

When I walk into the room, Harry is still asleep. I put the tray down with the two plates and two mugs on Harry's bedside table, and lean down to wake him up.

'Good morning.' I whisper, kissing his cheek. Harry lets out a soft groan, and his eyes flutter before opening.

'Hi' he says, with a very raspy voice. On anybody else this would be unattractive, but it's Harry so he makes it work. He begins to sit up and lean against the bedhead, rubbing his eyes.

'I made breakfast.' I smile, and pass him a plate and a coffee. I sit down on the bed myself, so I'm facing Harry, with my matching breakfast. Harry takes the plate and coffee, thanking me with a kiss.

The room is filled with a caramel scent, and mixed with Harry's vanilla, I'd be content smelling this forever. The air between Harry and I is different this morning, but it's good. I think I had a lot of built up insecurity about us that I was too scared to think about, but if last night made me sure of anything, it's sure in me and Harry. I was scared that I was living in this daydream that would end suddenly because it all seemed too perfect, but it feels real now. No longer something that could slip between my fingers if I don't hold on tight enough.

'I'm really happy here' Harry says. He sounds nervous to say the words, like putting them out into the world might make them not true. I put my empty plate and coffee back on the table, and Harry does the same. I shuffle closer to Harry so I'm almost sitting on top of him, and wrap my arms around his neck.

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