Chapter 26

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The next three interviews go just as smooth as the first three. More of the questions you'd expect to be asked are asked, including those about a tour, what it's been like back as a band, and what will be the same and what will change now they're together again. The boys answer just as Leslie and the rest of the management wanted them to, and Leslie is so happy she doesn't even join us in the car on the way back to Columbia. They're all in high spirits, despite their lack of sleep, and it's like being in a car with a bunch of teenage boys.

'We should celebrate! 10 years and a reunion, it's a big deal.' Louis laughingly announces to the car full of band members and assistants, while the sky darkens outside the windows. I'm yet to get to know Louis' assistant, Oli, who arrived earlier today, but he seems like he'll fit right in with the team of assistants.

'Celebrate how?' Niall asks.

'Lad, I don't know! It was just a thought.' Louis teases, and the boys break out into more laughter. If Leslie was here, she'd probably file a noise complaint.

'Let's club..we'll go out. That's my vote. Is that a good enough answer for you Niall?' Louis decides, while nodding his head and teasing Niall further.

'Yeah, that sounds good.' Niall laughs back.

'I'd be down to do that. Let's invite the ladies too. Sophie's already here anyway, so I'll call Maya. Louis, you call Eleanor.' Liam says.

It seems as though Liam has already made the decision that Harry will be joining, despite the fact he hasn't yet made a comment.

'Okay, dad. I'll call her right now.' Louis sarcastically responds, and pulls out his phone to call Eleanor.

'Do you want to go?' Harry asks me quietly while the other boys are distracted on their respective phone calls. I really don't want to intrude, but I'm more than happy if he wants to go. I know from memory there's nothing in his calendar for tomorrow and as far as I'm aware, all the boys have nothing on tomorrow either, and they all deserve a night out.

'You should go, but I don't want to intrude on a night out.' I respond, just before Louis makes an announcement.

'Eleanor can't come, she says she's inviting some friends over for the night.' This reminds me that I need to text her about that coffee we were going to get.

'Maya's coming!' Liam adds in, ending his phone call. Just by the way he talks about her and the way he smiles when her name is mentioned, you can tell how much he really loves her.

'Then you're coming too.' Harry says to me with a smile. I haven't been to a club in months, and none with Harry since we've been together. Now that Harry has decided I'm coming along too, I realise I'm quite excited. I look over at Niall, who seems to be in search of someone he can invite too.

'Tara, would you like to join us?' He asks, putting on a jokingly serious voice.

'The clubs aren't really my thing. I appreciate your offer nonetheless.' She laughs.

'Well do you want to come too?' Liam asks, gesturing to both Oli and James. Both of them shake their heads apologetically, while giving a reason they can't attend. James seems to be intrigued by the idea, but he says he thinks the gym would be a better place for him tonight.

'Harry mate, you're not saying much. You joining?' Louis asks.

'Yeah, we'll come. Liam already invited Sophie, so I guess I'll be her plus one.' Harry jokes, and all the boys laugh. I've only known them for such a short time, but it feels like they already treat me like family, and I couldn't be more grateful. These boys are all so warm and hospitable, and Harry is so lucky he got put in a band with them 10 years ago.

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