Chapter 22

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The next month went by in a blur. When Harry admitted to me he wanted to go back into the band, it was more of a wish and admittance than something that was actually happening. There hadn't been any talks about a reunion, and Harry was almost resigned to it not happening. He truly did love being in the band all the way up until the hiatus, but I know that he went through a lot during those 5 years. The best in his life, but he also had some of his lowest moments. After everything, I think he was scared to admit he wanted to be back in the band. Scared that if he let the idea in, then it would happen and it would all go wrong.

For 5 years, Harry lived and breathed the band, and he loved it. He felt the warmth from all over the world at all times of the day and he couldn't ever be more thankful for it, but one day he was an everyday 16 year old boy from Holmes Chapel, and the next he was thrust into an international spotlight. And from what he's told me, this wasn't always easy. At 16 years old, he was portrayed as a womaniser and spent the next 5 years clouded by this reputation. His management didn't help, and slowly I think Harry started to feel more and more isolated, despite his bandmates beside him every step of the way. As One Direction's fan base grew, and the boys filled more and more arenas, Harry slowly began to feel more and more alone, and he grew this desire to explore his abilities not just in the band. Sometimes the minute they walked off the stage the Harry Styles facade fell. Behind the face of Harry Styles from One Direction, the biggest boyband in the world, he was just Harry. An exhausted, overworked, scared and in many ways, just trying to stay afloat 22 year old.  

Behind the tours and the meet and greets and the interviews were a team of people who were more focused on One Direction as a profitable company than as a band of everyday British boys. Harry was truly inspired by every single one of their fans and would do anything for them, but feeling the weight from thousands of different people every single night sometimes became scary. Especially when every move they made was watched by a team of people who refused to let these everyday British boys do anything that may tarnish the 'brand's' image or lower ticket and album sales.

I could tell a weight had been lifted off Harry's shoulders the second he told me how he felt. I will always support Harry in whatever he wants to do, but this desire to end the hiatus scared me more than I wanted to admit. I loved Harry too much to watch him go through what he did last time. I chose to keep these worries to myself, because at that point, no reunion talks had even begun. At least that's what we thought, until we bumped into Liam whilst out on a hike in Beverly Hills.



'Harry mate! Good to see you, man!' I hear a voice coming from behind us, and after hearing this voice on the phone countless times in the last month, I instantly know who it is. Liam.

'Liam, good to see you! I'm so used to hearing you on the phone but I haven't seen you in person in ages!' Harry says, hugging Liam. Watching them together after so long warms my heart. It's like watching two best friends reunite after years apart, and in many ways, that's exactly what it is. The scene is almost like a movie, two international superstars standing at the top of a hill with the Hollywood sign in the background, together after 5 years apart.

'Yeah man, it's been so long..and this must be Sophie?' Liam asks, shifting his gaze to me and smiling.

'That's me!' I awkwardly respond, trying my best to give a good impression. It feels like I've known Liam for forever, but this is the first time we've actually been together in person. 

'It's so great to meet you finally' he laughs, and Harry and I join him. Liam's friendly personality is stopping this conversation from taking an awkward turn, and now I know why Harry loves him so much.

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