Chapter 3 Playful Destiny

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Tae and Jimin is applying in JK's Company to have an OJT. While waiting a girl suddenly speaks and ..

"Mr. Tae its your turn now..Mr. Kook is waiting inside."

While Tae is about to enter the door of Mr. Kook office suddenly someone came out at the door rushing.

It seems there's an emergency or something and Mr. Kook secretary inform Tae's that she is the one who will interview him because Mr. Kook is picking up his Girlfriend at the airport that's why he's not able to interview him so Tae's just Nod and say okay to the secretary.

After the interview Tae got the opportunity to do his OJT in JK's Company the leading company in their country. Same to Jimin as well.

"Hey! Tae ..why not we should celebrate ..oh i knew it..lets eat some cheese balls in the sidewalk..i know one..hey...come on lets go.."

"hasshh ok! ok! ok! Stop dragging me already aissh"

"eyyy! Tae why not after eating we should go to the mall and have a look of something to wear...for our OJT i look to their staff there they're pretty formal and has very clean look.."

"eyy! What do you think of us huh..are we dirty huh..aissshh"

"eee! That's not what i mean im just want to fit in their standard ..thats it"

"ohhh! I get it..btw where is the fu*king street vendor that you're talking about huh..weve been walking for so long already"

"eyy can you please stop complaining okay..we're almost there ..just a little bit walk and we will get there okay.."

"this is your short legs  fault..tsk"

"ey! ey! ey! What did you just say..huh..say it again..say it.."

"ahahaha ...nothing ! nothing" says by Tae while still laughing.

They are finally arrive to the stole where the famous cheese balls will be bought this is the only vendor who is selling this cheese ball so expected that if you buy you need to fall in line and wait for your turn to buy. Lucky of them there are just few people buying so they fall in line immediately when its their turn. Jimin bought 10 sticks of cheese balls while Tae just bought 5.

"ammmm ! Its so dilecious as usual.." says by Jimin while his mouth is full of cheese ball.

"eyy! Would you eat slowly ..and stop talking while your eating..hahaha you look like squirrel who's not able to eat for a week hahaha"

"aisssh...hmmmm" Jimin while pouting his lips.

"Ey! Jimina lets keep going its almost night already.. Hmm hey over there there's a bus station their..come on ..just continue eating while your walking"

They where heading at the bus station  and Jimin still eating cheese balls walking backward so he could not see who's walking in front.

A beautiful lady came out at the restaurant who's currently talking to someone over the phone. When Jimin cross his two legs from each other that loss his balance and throw his cheese balls straight to the lady suit. The very white suit who look so expensive is now full of sauce. The lady was so furious and confront Jimin.

"hey! You bastard.. Do you have an eyes..huh look what you've done to my clothes"

"oh! No im so--sorry .." and was about to wipe the sauce to the lady clothes .

And the lady was interrupted saying.

"get that fuc'king dirty hand of motherfu*ker"

When Tae's hears what the lady said. He interrupt and say.

"Hey! Who are you to call my friend like that huh? ..if you want we would buy new clothes for you or we will pay for much is that clothe of yours to humiliate a person like that.."

"huh! Pay ? Buy? Can you afford it? Huh..base on your look .. I bet you can't ..even when you work hard you cant afford it you poor little shit"

"hey! Watch out your mouth ..who are you to say that to us huh..?"

"Well ! Im La Lisa im just the heiress of La Casa Group of Company..and i can even buy you two..little shit"

"you!" says by Tae

As i can see Tae has a teary eyes after hearing those humiliation of them. Then a man suddenly interrupt.

"Hey! Lisa whats going on here..why you take so long..what happened to your Clothes?'

Lisa starts to cry and told his boyfriend on what happened. He says that Tae and Jimin humiliate her infront of many people and they even throw that stinky sauce on her clothe.

Then a person from the crowd shouted.

"hey! Miss dont try to switch the situation you're the one who humiliate that two guy..tskk"

After Kook hears that. Yes Kook is Lisa's boyfriend he drag Lisa into his car.

"hey! You just stay on this car..i will just clean this mess you make. ."

Then Kook went back to where is Tae and Jimin where about. To say sorry.

When Kook was about to approach Tae and Jimin he saw a guy helping them and take them to his Limousine.

To be continue....

Authors Note:

"HUMILITY is the greatest quality that person can have, and ARROGANCE is undoubtedly the WORST" ~ M. Khan

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