Chapter 16 Sunshine and Moonlight

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We ended last time with Kookie being so cheesy to TaeTae.

Tomorrow Morning

TaeTae wakes up early who's in a very good mood.


A notification from his phone.

A message from Kookie.

Tae open and read it.

"Good morning sunshine insert smiley face"

"Tsk..this man..he's so cheesy ..I didn't expect this from him..hihihi" Murmur by Tae.

Then he replied:

"Good morning too moonlight" with a moon emoji.

"Wait what.. moonlight where did I get that?" Added by Tae.

"Aiiissssshh TaeTae like for real? Moonlight ? Where on earth I get that..ehhh" TaeTae while cringing to himself.


Kookie who read TaeTae reply was giggling. He didn't expect that TaeTae would reply like that. Because of happiness he was dancing and jumping while going to bathroom. Inside the bathroom while he is showering he was singing.

Back to TaeTae

Who is nodding his head in the bed. He was so embarrassed of himself about his reply to Kookie.

"Argggggg How could I face him at the office today.."

"TaeTae .. you're not thinking properly"

"Ackkkk .. huhuhu I hate my could I say that thing.."

TaeTae take the shower while still thinking on how he would face Kookie later.


Mr. Yoongi and Jimin are exchanging message too.

"Good morning Minnie"

"Good morning too Yoggie"

Yoongi call Jimin Minnie while
Jimin call Yoongi Yoggie. That's their endarement.

"Yoggie can we not tell TaeTae about our relationship for awhile"

"But, why Minnie?" Yoongi's reply.

"We made a promise that we should not be in a relationship until we graduate..I don't want him to be mad at me you understand me Yoggie right.. please"

"You will graduate in next two months so it's okay I'll understand I will not tell him..don't worry"

"Thank you Yoggie! I love you"

"I love you too Minnie" insert kiss emoji.

"See you at the office later Minnie I have something for you rawr." Added by Yoongi.

"Eyyy! Eyyy! Yoggie what are you planning to do again to me huh.."

-End of their convo-


Back to

Kookie and TaeTae who is still exchanging text message.

"Kookie can we keept to the both of us our relationship for awhile and not tell Jimin about it ... please Kookie"

"But why TaeTae..I would like everyone to know that you are mine.. what is the matter?"

"Ahmm...I and Jimin made a promise not to be in a relationship until we graduate..that's it..and I don't want him to be mad at me. Please"

"Alright! Alright! I will not tell them..see you later TaeTae"

"Thank you Kookie ...see you later" insert smiley face.

-End of their convo-


-at La Casa Mansion-

Lisa is currently talking to his father asking to arrange a marriage for her and Kookie. He wants it as soon as soon as possible.

"Daddy when would you arrange my marriage with Kookie" Lisa while acting like a child.

"Lisa.. I have important matters to deal with ... We will work for that marriage soon...don't worry..we hold Mr. Kook neck.. he would do what I want him to do..I promise you my dear okay!" Says by Lisa's father.

"But, dad! I want to marry him now..what if he will find another girl ..huh..?"

"Lisa as what I said we hold his neck.. besides we own big share in his company if he will not marry you..I will pull out all my money don't worry he will marry you okay!"

"But Dad!"

"There's no but, but Lisa.. I say what I say..don't bother me this time.. this Kim Company is giving me a headache and you added it..for pete sake Lisa.. just don't bother me again.. you will get what you want soon..and that's a get out.."

"Hmmmm" Lisa walk out while rolling her eyes and pouting her mouth while lifting his right eyebrow.

-At Kookie's Office-

TaeTae came first. He thought. When he entered the office no one is there. He thought that Kookie comes earlier than him. So he put his bag at his drawer besides his desk. When he open it. He saw a box.

"What is this?"

"Why is it on my drawer"

"To my Sunshine TaeTae"

"Aghhhh that Kookie...he didn't stop being so cheesy.."

TaeTae continue reading the letter.

"This is for you I want you to wear this. This is what you call me. So that's mean the pendant symbolize me."

"Aiiishh.. he's so cheesy..what is this BTW..let me open it"

TaeTae open the small box. He saw a silver bracelet with a Moon pendant on it.

To be continue.....

Authors Note:

Promises are really meant to be broken TaeTae and Jimin proves that. Lol


Sorry for short chapter again.

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