Chapter 22 Tears

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Kookie POV

I'm in the office that time. Of course I'm so happy it's because finally I can see my sunshine again. I'm waiting for an hour but he's still not coming. TaeTae is not coming yet and of course it made me worry because he's not the type of person who came late to work. That's why I asked to myself on what would happen to him why he's not coming yet.

And all of a sudden someone call me.

I answered immediately. I don't know why but I feel nervous.

Hello! I said.

"Do you know Mr. Tae? You're the number one in his call list" said by the man on the phone.

"Huh! Ahhh! yes yes I know him, I'm his boyfriend why? What happened to him? And why you have his phone?" I Answer.

"Ah! Please don't be shock on what I say but your boyfriend was here in the hospital and he is in critical condition" he said.

My whole body suddenly feels cold after what I've heard, I can't move and I can't speak and I didn't notice that tears were dropping in my eyes.

"Hello! Hello! You still there? Your boyfriend is here in Myeondong Hospital and I will just bring his stuff at the police station to secured it just come over here to get it" said by the policeman in the phone.

Without hesitation I immediately  headed to the said hospital even I'm not yet in myself. I told my driver to drive me in Myeondong Hospital.

I don't know how I feel it's mixed emotions I feel nervous and angry. I nervous on what happened to TaeTae and I'm angry to myself it's my fault because of what I did to TaeTae.

We're in the middle of the road and shit when you're in a hurry and this heavy traffic is happening too I'm exploding because of nervousness and madness on what is really happened to TaeTae.

I didn't resist it all and tell my driver to just follow me in the hospital.

I go out in my car and run. Ive been running for almost an hour im running like no one is on my way all in my mind is to arrive at the hospital. I didn't care who I bumped with and just keep running.

After almost 2 hour of running. I'm sweating in my entire body but finally I'm here now at the said hospital. I immediately heading to the information desk and ask.

I didn't give attention and did not able to hear all they said because of nervousness and desperate to see TaeTae, all I've heard was just Operation Room that's why I headed there.

The hospital was so big and I'm having trouble finding the operation room. Im feeling nervous even more. I'm going crazy and keep running then I saw in the top of the hallway the sign operation room.

So I headed there immediately.

I was shock when I arrive there. Im shock on what I see. It feels like the entire heaven was fell to me and it feels like my world were collapsing. And suddenly heard a voice speaking.

"Time of Death 11:11 a.m" said by the voice.

I've kneeled all of a sudden after what I heard.

Big drops of tears were pouring down my eyes.

Is that right? Is that right what I heard is that right?

The doctor came out at the operation room. And say.

"Are you the family of the patient?" Ask by the doctor.

I can't speak, I just cried and nod my head to the doctor. I stood up slowly.

" Can I see him? Can I see him for the last time?" I ask the doctor.

"Yes! You may see him but I will warned you. You need to be ready and strong on what would you see. Because after the accident he been through you can't barely recognize him" said by the doctor to me.

After all what the doctor said.

It's so heavy. It's so heavy in the heart. I just cried and walk slowly and heading to the operation room to see Tae for the last time.

When I opened the door.

I saw a body with no life covered with white fabric.

I can't move my two feet now.

"Tae why did you leave me all of a sudden? Huh?"

"You said to me were going abroad right? But why?"

"You even said to me that we would be married in Taiwan right?"

"Tae why?"

"You also want us to have kids, Right Tae but why?"

"Tae Why you leave me?"

"Tae why, why, why?"

I was nailed standing for almost a 15 minutes in the door I can't bare to go near to TaeTae. It was my fault that he died. It was all my fault.


A shout voice of a woman.

"Son why did you leave us"

Huh? Son is she the mother of TaeTae?

"Son" she keep repeating uttering that word.

That's why I asked her if she knew TaeTae.

"Huh! TaeTae? Who is he ? I don't know him. TaeTae is not the name of my son." Said by the woman.

When I heard what the woman said. I feel mixed emotions again but this time it is nervous and happy. If this is not TaeTae then where is he? Where is TaeTae?

And why did I think that TaeTae is dead. I'm so idiot.

I'm heading to back again to the information desk to ask again. I asked if they're a patient this morning. They answer that there is the one who pass away was in the operation room while the other one was in room 40 and currently unconscious and at the good condition.

Immediately I go to the said room. Nervous and happy is what I'm feeling right now if the one in the room was really TaeTae.

I'm here at the front of the door in room 40. I slowly open the door. And.

And saw TaeTae. Yes it was really TaeTae. TaeTae is here. He was laying in bed with a plaster in his head. In his state I think he's doing okay but he has just many bruises and scratches in his whole body.

I immediately call the doctor to transfer him at the private room and ask for a private nurse for TaeTae.

To be continue...

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