Chapter 15 I Love You

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Kookie and TaeTae was interrupted by the Room Service Guy.

So Kookie and TaeTae stopped on what they're doing who's look so disappointed because of their unfinished business hehehe.

Kookie open the door and saw the room boy. Who's bringing food.

"Good evening sir! Did i disturb you sir? By the way here is your dinner tonight sir eat well just put the push cart outside your door sir after you'd done eating. I take my leave sir."

"Aisshh what's good in the evening you just interrupt my chance..aissssh" Kookie in his mind.

After the room boy leave Kookie push the cart full of foods to the sofa where TaeTae is waiting.

"Eyyy Tae let's just eat here first before I drive you home...okay"

"Ohhh" Tae just nod

"By the way when would you like to transfer here Tae?"

"I will ask my father first Kookie so he would not be worry to me"

"Okay! Okay! Just let me know okay!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Okay I will!"

"Good! Okay let's eat then..the foods looks so yummy..try this one Tae.."

The two were enjoying their dinner. After that Kookie drive TaeTae home.
Kookie drop Tae in front of their house.
Then they bid goodbyes to each other.

Tae went straight to his room. It seems his stepmother and stepsister are not around the house. He take shower first before going to bed.

-Tae POV-

After showering. He wear his robe. And think of what happened earlier.

"You know those moments where
someone in your life makes you happy?"

"But sometimes, you're so happy, you're scared that it comes with a price."

"But still, you can't let your fear of sadness takes your joy, right?"

"It's better to just relish those moments."

"Haist, is this a dream? If it is I don't want to wake up anymore."

TaeTae while giggling hugging his flusshey toy while wide smiling. He seems so happy.

"Kookie! I don't mind if I'm not your first love, but I do hope that I'm your last"

"Haissst..I hope I can say this to you all in person..."

"There aren't enough words in the dictionary that can able to describe how happy I am being with you."


TaeTae while now laying in bed smiling.


Kookie at his condominium

-Kookie POV-

After driving home TaeTae. He went straight to shower and after he put his sleeping robe. He went straight to his bed. While laying in his bed.

"It is really true!"

"That sometimes the best relationship are the ones that take you by surprise, the ones that you least expected to come and happened"

"Haaaaaiisshh hihihi" while smiling

Kookie grab his phone.

"Hey Tae! You still awake?"

"Yes Kookie! I can't sleep"

"Hmmm Tae.. take a look out in your window now.. although we may be apart at the moment, we can both gaze up at the same moon."

"Yaaahhh Kookie ! You are so cheesy stop it hehehe"

"Eyyy Tae you see that stars and moon?"

"Uhmm yeah.. Kookie why?"

"No matter how many stars in the sky and how bright is the moon, you will always the brightest thing in my life."

"Yaaahhh Kookie stop it.. you're making me .. hehehe" TaeTae who's seems dying in so much happiness in those romantic words of Kookie.

"Eyyy TaeTae it's getting late now.. let's go and sleep now"

"Ahhh. Uhmm Goodnight Kookie!" Insert smiley face.

"I wish that I'm with you saying goodnight instead of sending it as a message.. Goodnight and..I love you TaeTae"

"<3" TaeTae replying just heart emoji

End of their convo

Author POV

Once you really find the one for you. You would really question and think if that was all illusion. If it is you wouldn't want to wake up. That kind of feeling. Once you're in love you can't stop thinking of him and just want to be with him all the time and you know that your in love when they make you laugh and smile all the time. That was the best thing of being in love.

But but but not at all times is like that. In a relationship there's always challenges that you need to face together it's up to you if you fight together or give up and surrender.

To be continue....

Authors Note:

Sorry for this short chapter. I hope you still like it. Love y'all.

ObsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora