
The strings of the choir shriek at his name and his smile falls with the hectic melody.

The snarl that erupts his chest, is enough to make my heart decide to stop beating and the skin on my flesh, feel as if it is melting into acid – But those eyes keep me moving in, no matter how much I try to claw against the imaginary walls to tear myself away.

His eyes mystify like a sunset before a deadly night, a kind of dark that helps the brown and gold blossom across the sky, above my trembling frame, as if I was a small flower flickering in the open winter air, which it surely, won't survive.

On my way over to his inviting hands that are held out towards me despite the horrific expression on his face, I fall to the ground in attempts to run away, but I'm still only moving closer somehow. I'm on my blistering hands and knees, screaming for help, clawing at the mere inches now between him and I.

Just as his shiny shoes are in my glossy eye-line, becoming soaked by both my tears and the water below the soles, I suddenly am crushed into his chest – My arms wrapping around his broad shoulders, my head laying upon his heart and his big hands, curling around my lower back, keeping me steady as if he was the only solidarity in these, invisible, thrashing winds which my own lungs conjured.

He's so warm and comforting, as if the light inside of his eyes were only the windows where the fire inside his soul, licked against. I draw my face away, only to look ignorantly closer at the glory that swirls around his big pupils, as if they were a river of gold instead of just, ordinary brown.

They're not just a trickle of flame. They're a raging bonfire. A destructive heat that would scorch a planet to ash. Soon, my skin was resembling the surface of boiling lava and beneath the flesh, my blood was a messy concoction of toxic bubbles and poisonous gas.

Lost in the depths of his deadly eyes, I am suffocating on the fumes that my own body forms as I die in his protective hands. I am desperately trying to wake up. There's even a pain in my surging brain.

Just when I take my last breath, he smiles and all at once, everything shifts and turns around me and I feel another sense of falling, but I am bringing him down with me.

We fall into another body of water, only this one rises and laps around my knees instead of my bare toes, drenching the bottom of my dress completely. I shiver in the needed ice of the liquid and sigh once again, back into his chest and listen to the gruelling beat of his heart.

Only, it's different this time. It's like the beginning of the choir's chords. It's softer. It's kinder.

I'm wrapped so tightly in his arms, but I can tell they are thinner than they were before, the bones inside, digging into my own flesh, the same with the bones across his chest, into my cheek.

I swallowed loudly, but my dry tongue was incapable of assisting and suddenly, my stomach grumbles loudly. It aches in a way that I haven't felt in a while and I had almost forgotten the dreadful feeling that would scratch at my insides in a needing hunger – No, starvation.

I furrow my brows upon the steady beat of the new heart and I greet his golden eyes once more, only they aren't golden anymore.

They are green.

There are more shades in the emerald canopies than golden hair upon his head. But it's not just green that thrashes in those familiar, subduing eyes, there's lights and stars that shimmer in the colour, welcoming me home. Some are nascent, bright, yet still pale enough to glint from above the heavy shade.

I can see my own reflection in the deepest circle of green around the dots of his soul, and I resemble the frail girl that I was meant to be. The dirty, dying girl with rags for clothes and silver above her cheekbones, not a fake birthmark. The only thing that stays, is the crown above my head, but the diamonds and jewels in his carrying, shine brighter than it ever could.

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