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Sean Peterson

Work. Not my solace but a necessity for me to keep myself away from unwanted thoughts and loneliness. Being on top of the ladder doesn't mean the person is always happy. There are always undesired, voiceless agonies, chaos, and sometimes dense, painful silence ruining the happiness and joy of being at the top.

Climbing the ladder of life alone hadn't been easy for me when every single step felt heavy and the ladder seemed to be broken at some steps. But I had to. To survive. I did it myself without support because there was no one with me to encourage me, to look after me if I fall. 

After numerous struggles to succeed and numerous battles with myself and the world, I was at the place where I aspired to be. At the top.

"Mr. Peterson, I do want to do business with you but the amount you're offering under this deal seems to be quite less." David Bill spoke, slipping the catalog file on the table.

I was at the dinner meeting with David Bill, a young, budding businessman. His father had passed him his rubber industry only a month ago. Honestly, I was impressed with him, I appreciated his approach. I saw capability in him.

Putting aside the glass of water, I put my forearms on the table. "Mr. Bill, XDS Autotech is a prominent company and we here do fair business. We make sure that our business partners never catch a glimpse of loss." I paused, studying his features.

"I've heard that Mr. Peterson. I know there is no loss in this deal but my concern is the profit amount."

I again sat straight and adjusted my suit jacket. "Mr. Bill, rest assured that it is the best amount being offered by any automobile company. If you still feel it's less then let's put it this desperately need business partners to improve the image of your company so, high profit should not be your main concern at this point. And I don't think I need to remind you how high your company's image will rise if you do business with us."

He knew I was right that's why he agreed without thinking twice. After signing the deal, we stood up to bid our goodbye but before leaving the place I stopped to do one thing that was needed.

"David," I called him informally. "I appreciate your working attitude. Keep working this way and you'll reach heights." I patted his back to which he smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Peterson. It's a big compliment coming from you."

I had to praise him. Being a beginner he needed a little push to help him recognize his worth and to help him grow. I always praised good work, not caring if it's small or big. Talent must be appreciated no matter what.

I bid the final goodbye and marched out of the restaurant to the elevator. I received a conference phone call from my best friends, Xavier Knight and Daniel Adams.

These two people were like eye-blinding sun rays that penetrated my gloomy soul, increasing the brightness level to a hundred.

"How it went?" Xavier asked, referring to the meeting.

"It went well. Now we have a new rubber supplier for our tire manufacturing unit." I responded as I stepped out of the elevator into the parking lot. Sticking the phone to my ear, I marched towards my car.

"That's like my Sean babe. I knew you would do it." I rolled my eyes at Daniel's stupid comment.

"Don't you have a wife to call babe? Stop calling me babe and focus on your son and wife." I rebuked. His son was now three months old.

"Who said I'm not focusing on my son? You are the one that is out, working. I'm at my home playing with my burrito."

Smiling, I shook my head. No matter how much I complained or criticized his childish behavior, I had to agree that he always managed to bring a smile to my face. It was his specialty, his uniqueness.

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