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Lauren Hart

I came back home singing throughout the way. I was content that my stupidity didn't cost me my job. I thought Mr. Peterson would definitely punish me for my act but he was surprisingly calm. Initially, I doubted and all day I kept praying for him not to change his decision but I sighed in relief when he went out after lunch, giving me a huge load of work.

Well, whatever his reason was I had my job and it was enough for me. On my way back home I ordered some take-out to celebrate with Christy but she wasn't home when I came back so I decided to wait for her. For the time being, I decided to nourish my skin which had become dull because of stress.

I was on my way to the bathroom to do skin treatment when my phone went off. I rolled my eyes when I saw my mother's contact on the screen.

"Hey, mom." I chirped as I put the phone against my ear.

"Don't 'hey mom' me, Lauren. Where have you been? You haven't called me for so long. How are you? Are you doing fine? How's work? Why didn't you call me?"

Here we go... I knew the talk was going to take time so I went to the bathroom and starting rummaging the cabinet to find my green tea hydrating mask tube. I couldn't find it. I don't know when I had used it last. I was not a regular user of these kinds of products as I barely had time to take care of my skin and most importantly I was too lazy to carry a proper skin routine daily.

"Lauren, are you listening to me?" I almost flinched at my mom's high pitched voice.

"Geez, mom, please lower your voice. I'm listening right now but I might have to see a doctor if you keep shouting like this... Oh goodness, where have I kept it?" I rummaged through the other drawer but still couldn't find it.

"You mannerless girl. You'll never learn. You have always been like this, rebellious and difficult. It was a bad idea to let you live alone there. I shouldn't have agreed with your dad to send you away. I don't know how-"

"Found it." I chirped when I found the face pack tube in the last drawer.

"See, you aren't even listening to me. What are you doing?"

I put the phone on the speaker and placed it on the bathroom counter. "Mom, I'm trying to do something," I spoke absent-mindedly as I tried to look for the expiry date of the product, and when I found it still good to use I began to apply the green-colored cream on my face.

"Goodness, this girl. Neither you call by yourself nor you answer my and your father's calls. Don't you miss us? Don't you ever feel to ask about your parent's health?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry. How are you, mom? How's dad and Laura? Are you all doing well?"

"No need to do the formality. I know you don't care. You don't tell us about your whereabouts that's why I have to talk to your landlord, Mrs. Harris, to know about your health and whereabouts. And you know what I get to hear from her in return? Your complaints. She always complains that you don't behave properly and always create problems. She wants to throw you out of her house but it's me who pleaded her not to do so."

"Mom! I didn't give you her number to spy on me or gossip about me. I am not a five-year-old kid. Please stop messing with my life. Let me breathe." I raised my voice a bit.

"I never taught you to shout on your elders. You have gone out of hands, Lauren. When will you learn to behave, Lauren, huh? You have failed to learn basic manners." Her voice was filled with disbelief.

My hands stopped mid-air when I heard her say that. Huffing, I stared at the phone screen. I wanted to defend myself but that would have been too basic so I decided to go sarcastic. I forced a sweet smile on my face, I knew she couldn't see me but to answer her I had to mimic the perfect expression. I again began to apply the mask with my index finger and spoke,

Entangled With The CrazyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora