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Lauren Hart

Packings bags is the most essential as well as the fun part when planning for a vacation. Especially for us, females, it's a life and death situation as forgetting even a single item will cause a blunder. Packing toiletry, footwear, makeup, and several clothes for a day to night routine is a difficult task because we have to look presentable every single moment——not for others but ourselves.

But I was packing bags for my stay at my boss's place for a whole week——I obviously wanted to look presentable. But again, who looks presentable at home? It's the comfort that matters.

I had been packing my bags for the last one hour but all I was doing was putting and then throwing out clothes from the bag as I was not the same person I was a second ago so, the taste in my own clothes was changing every passing second. For once I thought he had already seen me in my worst state but again, I couldn't afford to look like a ghost or a she-hulk before him ever again.

Aggrrhhh! Only if he hadn't put me in this situation! I couldn't even ask for Christy's help with packing comfortable yet presentable home wearable clothes as I had informed her that I was going on a business trip. Anyhow, I packed whatever I could, not forgetting my new pajamas, and went to shower. Yes, It was ten in the morning and I hadn't showered yet. He wanted me to be present at his place before noon and here I was... running late.

"I'll miss you, Lauren." Christy hugged me when I came out of my room, dragging my suitcases behind me.

"I'm not moving out forever, Christy. It's just for a week." I chuckled, patting her back in a soothing manner. I wish someone could soothe me too and say that I won't end up dead.

"I think I should get going, I'm already running late."

"Yeah, sure and don't worry about your belongings. They are safe here." She said.

"Belongings are the last thing in my right now, Christy. I'm worried about how will I spent the whole week with him." I muttered under my breath.

"Huh? You said something?"

"No. I didn't. So, bye and take care."

Saying that I marched out of the house and came face to face with my bad luck. The only annoying lady I have ever come across, Mrs. Harris.

"Going somewhere?" She inquired, eyeing my travel suitcases which I was dragging with me.

"Yes, Mrs. Harris." I kept my answer short. I didn't want to engage in a talk with her.

"Where?" Her eyebrows lifted to the peak, eyeing me suspiciously.

This annoying stone–age lady! Always putting nose in other's business! I knew that the minute I cross the boundaries of the house, this old hag would call my mom to fill her ears with new gossip. Bloody gossipmonger! And the issue was I hadn't informed my mother about my so-called business trip. As usual, I didn't care what she stuffs my mom's ears with as she has always disapproved of everything about me.

"Business trip." Again, I kept my reply short, giving her a tight-lipped smile.

"With your boyfriend I assume?" Her unnecessary assumption about my life caused me to gape at her.

"It was just last night you went out with a man and now, in the morning you are moving out with your bag."

My jaw clenched. "He isn't —" I paused all of a sudden. She wanted to hear from my mouth that the man I went out with was my boyfriend then she will hear the same. I wore a sweet, teasing smile to reply to her

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