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A month later and Yeonjun still hadn't talked to Soobin. How could he when the latter was always home late or would avoid him, even at home?

Yeonjun felt like he was living with an elusive roommate rather than a boyfriend. And it surely didn't help the feelings of insecurity washing over him every time another of Soobin's work friends posted and tagged a photo of him surrounded by guys and girls, all too incredibly close for comfort to the younger.

He really couldn't help but wonder if his boyfriend had indeed reverted to his playboy ways from college.

"Soobin, do we have a problem?" he voiced out one day.

It was another weekend when Soobin claimed that he was too tired to go out on a date, so he was lounging around in front of the T.V., watching some variety show.

The younger suddenly looked uncomfortable at the question. Yeonjun stood by their worn suede couch, expecting to finally have the talk.

Ultimately, Soobin sighed and in a bored voice, answered, "What are you trying to say, Yeonjun?"

"That's not an answer to my question."

"Why did you even ask such a stupid question?"

The nonchalance in the younger's voice stabbed at Yeonjun's heart and he hesitated. But, before he could voice his question again, Soobin got up from his spot on the couch and stretched.

"I forgot I promised my co-worker that I'd help with a project today, so I'll be heading out." He lightly pecked Yeonjun's forehead. "We might be getting a drink after so if I'm late, don't wait up."

And that was that. At least he still showed Yeonjun some affection. A kiss on the forehead was better than no kiss at all.


Yeonjun sighed for what was probably the hundredth time. Across from him, his companions all looked at each other, worriedly.

There was, of course, his best friend Taehyun, Yeonjun's little brother Beomgyu, and Beomgyu's best friend Huening. Beomgyu had gathered them all together because he noticed that his older brother had been down in the dumps lately and wanted to cheer him up. So, he asked everyone to go out for lunch that Saturday since it was the older two's day offs and the younger two didn't have classes.

"Hyung, if there's something going on, you can tell us," prompted his younger brother, smiling kindly. "You know we're here for you."

On either side of him, the other to nodded.

With that, the oldest sighed again. "I don't know what it is I've done or doing wrong," he started. "But... Soobin has just been really... distant. And... I miss him... I miss him so much."

Now, Choi Yeonjun was, by no means, an emotional man. He prided himself in being level-headed most of the time. But when it came to Soobin... he could feel the sting of tears prickling at his eyes and he willed them to go away.

"I can't help but wonder if maybe he's... bored?" he asked the others. They all threw each other confused looks so he continued. "You know how Soobin was back in the day. He had a new fling almost every month because he was easily bored. I'm surprised I even lasted this long-."

"Hyung! Don't say that!" Beomgyu exclaimed, eyes widened. "He loves you, that's why. He said so when he confessed, right?"

Yeonjun thought back to the confession and laughed a little bitterly. "Yeah, that must be why I lasted this long. But, I guess he got bored now." He sighed. "Let's face it. I'm boring. I have boring looks. Boring interests. Even my job is boring sometimes!"

He sighed again.

Meanwhile, the youngest, Huening was pursing his lips, staring at his best friend's older brother,

"Hyung, where is Soobin-hyung now?" he asked.

Yeonjun shrugged. "He's at home... I think. But he says he's going out to a Club with his work buddies tonight. Apparently, it's one of their birthdays."

Huening suddenly perked up and whispered something into Beomgyu's ears. His brother frowned for a few moments before beaming and whispering into Taehyun's ear now. The three suddenly looked at him with scarily matching grins.

The older flashed them curious looks. When Huening Kai schemed... it couldn't be good.


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