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"I'm still afraid," he voiced out, softly. "I don't know if I can trust you again. I don't want to get hurt."

Soobin's face fell even more and his grip on Yeonjun's hand tightened, even if it shook a little now.

"Then give me a chance to show you again," the younger replied, looking determined. "Come back to Seoul with me. I'll make it up to you. I'll work hard to gain your trust again and show you that I love you."


"Please, Junnie... I'm begging you... Please give me another chance..."

Yeonjun hesitated. "I don't know..."

"We'll take it slow! As slow as you want! I'll... I'll court you again if I must! Jun, please..."

Soobin was practically begging now, and if he weren't on a bed, he would have probably prostrated himself on the floor. Soobin was always about dramatics; he secretly loved him for it.

It stirred something in Yeonjun's heart, longing and desire.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and observed as Soobin looked like the entire world just fell apart around him. But Yeonjun wasn't done. "I'm sorry that I ignored you instead of letting you talk. I'm sorry that I ran away instead of staying to fix things. And I'm sorry I made you feel like you have to do all this just to get me to forgive you."

He watched as the light and hope returned to Soobin's eyes. "Then... do you forgive me?" he tentatively asked.

Instead of answering, Yeonjun flashed him a teasing smile before gently taking his hands back and picking up the bowl of food again.

"I still have to talk to your doctor about when you can be discharged, and I need to stop by the police station for a follow-up on those thugs." He lifted the spoon to Soobin's lips. "So, can you please eat now and take your medicine?"

Soobin opened his mouth, obediently and allowed Yeonjun to feed him the now cold porridge. The younger chewed, swallowed, then grinned at the older.

"You know I can still use my hands," he teased, waving one of them. "I think you're just looking for an excuse to feed me, am I right?"

He winked, causing Yeonjun to blush.

Yep, Soobin was okay, alright.

Pretending to be annoyed, Yeonjun glared and pushed the spoon and bowl at him. "Fine, then feed yourself."

He internally laughed when Soobin's eyes showed panic as he shook his head. "No, Junnie, I'm kidding! I'm sorry! Please feed me."

He pouted, childishly and Yeonjun laughed for real this time and took the items back. He fed the younger in silence for the next ten minutes or so, nodding in approval as the contents of the bowl grew smaller and smaller until it was all finished. He then gave Soobin his medicine and helped him drink water, before patting his head.

"Good boy," he teased, putting the water away and helping the younger get comfortable on the hospital bed again. "Get some rest now."

He turned to leave when he felt Soobin grab his hand.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He was pouting again.

"I told you, I need to talk to your doctor and go to the police station. Don't worry, eomma says she'll be back later to watch you."

She had already stopped by that morning to drop off a change of clothes for him.

Soobin pulled at his hand. "Don't I get a good-bye kiss?" he asked, flashing his puppy eyes.

Heat flowed to Yeonjun's cheeks again because damnit, Choi Soobin knew how to stir his heart. He was supposed to be mad at the younger, but why was he considering his request?!

Sighing, Yeonjun stepped closer to the bed. Soobin smiled, happily and closed his eyes, pursing his lips out. The older thought it was cute and admittedly, quite tempting. But he wasn't about to make it easy for the younger.

So, instead, he leaned down and pecked his forehead.

Soobin's smile disappeared into a cute pout. "Junnnnnniiee..." he whined, but Yeonjun just pinched his cheek with a chuckle and moved towards the door.

"Choi Yeonjun," he called out and the other paused at the door. Soobin smiled at him again, his eyes bright and full of hope. "I love you."

That caught him off-guard a little, but he managed to mask his surprise with a nod of the head. "I know you do," he replied, before exiting the room.

When the door closed, Yeonjun leaned back against it with a sigh, feeling his lips quirk into an affectionate smile.

He knew. As soon as Soobin had asked him, he already knew his answer.

But, it didn't hurt to tease the younger a little... as revenge. But, this time, he wasn't going to hurt him. This time, he was going to do it right.

Yeonjun wondered if he was a fool. Could he really risk his heart again?

But, he supposed that when one chose to love, you were already a fool. He had the feeling that the younger was already a fool for him. So, he didn't mind so much being a fool for Choi Soobin, either.


another update right up!

Hope you are liking it! <3

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