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There were flashes of excitement yet worry in Soobin's deep brown eyes, and Yeonjun couldn't decipher as to why.

"Do I make you happy, Yeonjun?" Soobin suddenly asked.

The older blinked, confused. "Of course. Why wouldn't you think so?"

Soobin shrugged. "I just needed to know."

Yeonjun reached out with a hand, silently asking the younger for his. He held on to the smaller hand, tightly. "I love you and you make me happy. I hope I do the same for you," he teased.

"You have no idea." Soobin's hand caressed his own. "You make me so happy, Yeonjun. I can't imagine being with anyone else, waking up to anyone else every morning, or going to sleep with anyone else in my arms. You make me feel euphoric. You are the only Cause of My Euphoria!"

His flowery words made Yeonjun blush and warmed his heart. He felt the same way. He couldn't imagine being with anyone else but Soobin. He was the only one he could see in the future, and he had no intention of changing that.

"I'm sorry if I make so many mistakes. I'm not perfect and I can't promise that I won't make more mistakes, because I know I will," Soobin continued. "But, if you'll let me, if I make you sad, I'll always make sure I cheer you up afterwards. If I make you cry, I'll wipe your tears away. And if I make you angry, I'll remind you about how much I love you and beg for your forgiveness."

His words confused Yeonjun now. He had no idea where they were suddenly coming from.

"S-Soobin?" he managed, but unable to find the rest of his words.

Because Soobin had stood up from his chair and went over to him. Yeonjun's heart pounded hard against his chest as the younger went down on one knee in front of him, looking into his eyes, right into his soul, conveying his feelings.

Silently, Soobin reached into his pocket and took out... a ring.

Yeonjun gasped, his mouth slightly open as he stared at the white gold piece of jewelry that Soobin was holding out to him. Upon closer inspection, the ring had an infinity sign etched into it, and a small gem glittered in the middle.

His gaze moved back to Soobin, who was now smiling hopefully at him, his eyes glistening, the warmth of love emanating from those beautiful brown eyes.

"Choi Yeonjun... Despite all my imperfections, my insecurities, and all my mistakes, there's only one thing I'm sure of and that's my love for you... If you still want me... I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you... Will you marry me?"

He wasn't sure how long he sat there, staring at Soobin... staring at the ring... But, it must have been long enough as the younger started looking nervous. The earlier brightness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by the dullness of unsureness as he slipped the ring back into his pocket, solemnly.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun's heart swelled in happiness as he felt his lips trembling, the warning sign of incoming tears. Only Soobin could reduce him to such a state.

"I... I get if you're not ready," the younger stammered, clearly disappointed and making effort to keep his own tears at bay. "I can wait... I'll wait until-."

But, Soobin was interrupted by Yeonjun grabbing his collar and pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss, the traitorous tears finally slipping out. All of his own doubts and fears were washed away and he could only see the future... the bright future of limitless possibilities... with Soobin.

Gently, he pulled away and whispered a loving "Yes" against the younger's lips.

Soobin's eyes widened in shock. "R-Really?" he asked in disbelief.

He placed his hands on Yeonjun's cheeks, squishing them lightly. The older was much too happy to reprimand him as he frantically nodded his head in confirmation.

"Yes," he said again, with a gleeful laugh. "Yes, I'll marry you, idiot!"

"Thank God!" Soobin shot up to his feet, grabbing Yeonjun and kissing him again, hands cupping his face.

The older wrapped his arms around Soobin's waist as the younger showered his lips, nose, cheeks, his entire face with kisses.

Once he had calmed down, Soobin managed to fish the ring out of his pocket again and slip it into Yeonjun's finger, planting a kiss right on top of it.

The little gem glittered, the light bouncing off the surface, emphasizing the infinity sign carved into it... a promise of forever.

Happily, Yeonjun pulled him in for another kiss, whispering "I love you's" against Soobin's lips.

Neither of them was perfect. They've both made mistakes, hurt each other, and made each other cry.

But, at the end of the day, there was only one person that Yeonjun wanted to come home to. There was only one person whose face he wanted to see before falling asleep. There was only one person whose arms were the ones he would wake up in. And that person was Choi Soobin.

Nothing else mattered.

(¯''¯) THE END (¯''¯)

Thank you for reading my story cheesecakes :)

The last month has been an awesome experience for me being here.

I am officially signing off from this book!

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