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It was about a month and a half later when Soobin's hard work and patience paid off.

They were both ready to head out to work and were seeing each other off at their apartment's parking lot. Soobin, as usual, held Yeonjun in his arms for a long time, whispering many "I love you's" before letting him go and heading to his own car.

He was about to open his door when he heard his name being called out.

Soobin turned around to see a determined-looking Yeonjun marching over to him. Without another word, the older leaned in and pressed his lips to his.

The world exploded in Soobin's mind as he took in the feel of the soft lips on his, the warm body pressed up against him.

The kiss was short, mostly chaste, but it sent Soobin's heart beating like he had been running a marathon.

"Have a good day at work," Yeonjun whispered before walking away quickly to his own car.

It took Soobin only a few seconds to realize that he didn't even get the chance to return the kiss, but Yeonjun was already pulling out of the parking lot.

A permanent grin stayed on the younger's lips all day, and his co-workers steered clear of their strange colleague who was suddenly humming and skipping everywhere.

That night, as they laid in bed, Yeonjun chattering on and on about his day, Soobin's gaze stayed on his lips, wanting to kiss them again.

Not to say that he didn't try ever since he got home. But Yeonjun managed to evade him each time. The kiss during the morning was too short, but already so addicting. He wanted more.


Fingers snapped in front of his face, making the younger blink in surprise. His older boyfriend was looking at him, amused.

"We're supposed to be pillow-talking," he said. "But I don't think you were listening at all."

"How can I listen when your lips are so distracting?" Soobin answered, his lips in a pout. "You kissed me this morning! That means you're comfortable now, right? I can kiss you now, right?"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, a small grin playing on his lips. "Maybe," he said, teasingly.

Soobin huffed before his eyes fell on the pillow between them. This damn pillow was keeping him from cuddling his man and showering him in kisses. Rules be damned, this pillow must go.

With a determined look, he grabbed the edge of the pillow, gaze on Yeonjun. The older's eyebrows were raised in confusion.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Soobin pursed his lips. "I'm getting rid of this damn pillow."

Yeonjun scoffed. "No, you can't. I haven't said you could."

"Well, I want it gone! I want to cuddle you and kiss you before we go to sleep!"

To his surprise, Yeonjun smirked. "If you do that, I might not talk to you again because you broke my rules. Or maybe I'll go out and sleep on the couch."

"No, you are not because I'm not going to let you. I'm going to cuddle you and kiss you as much as I want tonight."

"Oh really?"


"You're willing to take that risk?"



"Because you're worth it."

That gave Yeonjun pause and he stared at Soobin, whose hand was still on the edge of the pillow.

"Then do it," the older stated, nonchalantly.

Soobin blinked. "Huh?"

"If you want to get rid of it, get rid of it."

"I... I will!"


Soobin didn't move.

Yeonjun chuckled. "I thought you said you were willing to risk it?"

The younger cleared his throat, a little nervous now. He didn't want Yeonjun to move to the couch. And he certainly didn't want the older angry at him. But, he just wanted to get close to him again, feel his warmth against him while they slept. He wanted good night kisses and cuddles again.

"Or am I not worth it anymore?"

Now that gave Soobin a burst of courage. Of course, Yeonjun was worth it! He was worth every risk!

With a determined huff, his grip on the pillow tightened. Taking a deep breath, he lifted the pillow and threw it to the other side of the room with a plop. Thank goodness he didn't hit anything or Yeonjun would have his head.

Meanwhile, the older stayed rooted to his spot, an amused smile playing on his lips now. "You actually did it," he stated, sounding impressed.

Soobin puffed his chest out in pride.

There was now a giant gap between them where the pillow used to be. Yeonjun made no indication of moving, and it made the younger nervous again, afraid that he was mad.

But, Yeonjun kept smiling and pointedly looked at the empty spot between them. "So... are we going to sleep with that between us?" he asked.

Soobin was suspicious as to why the older wasn't moving and kept smiling at him while glancing at the spot between them. Surely, if he was truly mad about Soobin removing the pillow, he would have stormed out to the living room by now, right?

So... did that mean that... Yeonjun wanted him to remove the pillow?

And that look the older was flashing him. It was somewhat... beckoning...

Subtly, Soobin moved a little closer. "That pillow was a nuisance," he stated.

"I like that pillow," Yeonjun whined with a grin.

Soobin edged closer again. "I don't like being far from you."

"It was a necessary punishment."

"I don't like it."

"Punishments are not meant to be liked," Yeonjun teased, smiling.


Next chap is my personal fav! Hope will be urs too! 


luv ya cheesecakes 💕

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