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The walls were white - too white and too pristine. In the air, the scent of bleach and antiseptic was strong. And the sounds of quiet snores and the drip-dripping from the IV fluid bag were the only sounds that resonated in the room.

Sighing, Yeonjun shifted uncomfortably in the plastic seat provided, attempting to make himself somewhat comfortable. But how could he find any comfort when Soobin was lying on a hospital bed, unconscious?

When the younger passed out in the alley, Yeonjun managed to get the attention of some passersby's who immediately called an ambulance. And while Soobin was in surgery, Yeonjun filed a police report.

Thankfully, no major artery or organ was punctured, and he didn't lose too much blood. So, the younger was put under general anesthesia, stitched up after an hour and a half, and transferred to a private room.

It was already 10pm and the doctors had advised Yeonjun to go home and come back in the morning. But... he couldn't find the strength to go. What if Soobin woke up and no one was there with him? He would panic and probably fall off the bed and hit his head and crack it open or something. No, Yeonjun would stay. He had already called his parents to let them know and his mother promised to bring fresh clothes for him in the morning.

But, for now, he was staying.

He couldn't believe the younger had been so reckless! Then again, this was Soobin... his Soobin... the Soobin who swore he would die for him...

Yeonjun shook his head to clear the awful thoughts away. Soobin was not going to die! The doctor said his wounds were not fatal and he would live another day to annoy him...

Soobin groaned lightly and moved slightly that his face scrunched up in pain. His wound must be bothering him.

Before he realized what, he was doing, Yeonjun was scooting his chair forward to lace his fingers with Soobin's, squeezing his hand, comfortingly.

Soobin's pained expression slowly dissipated as his hands subconsciously squeezed Yeonjun's back. The latter could only stare at him, his eyes running over the younger's pale face, his sharp-pointed nose, those full lips that he loved to kiss...

Yeonjun sighed. Okay, so maybe he missed Soobin more than he thought he would.

The last month had been, for lack of a better word, hell. His bed was always cold, food didn't taste as good even if his mother cooked it, and the days felt lonely. It wasn't like he was planning on staying in Gwangju forever; he filed for a 6-week leave from work so he could just take a breather and really think.

He didn't count on Soobin following him here, not to mention that his brother had given in to his conscience and told the younger where he was!

Suffice to say, Yeonjun knew that he was weak when it came to Choi Soobin. He loved him more than anyone and anything in this existence. And it had hurt him so much to leave, but he needed the space this time. And it seemed to do him well the first week or so. But the following days just felt... empty.

His parents both had tried to convince him to go back to Seoul to talk to Soobin, or at least give the latter a call, but he stubbornly refused. He did listen to all the voicemails, though. He had to admit, he almost went back several times, but his pride kept him from making a move, and he partly feared that it would all just fail in the end.

It's true what they say, after all. The ones we love the most end up hurting us the most.

"What am I going to do with you, Choi Soobin?" he mumbled to himself before planting a kiss to the younger's hand.

No matter what happened to them, Yeonjun couldn't deny that he still loved him.


There was a hand gently caressing his hair. It was soothing... relaxing... and loving.

His back ached from being bent over for several hours but that hand...

Slowly, Yeonjun stirred from sleep, his eyes slowly blinking to meet sunlight and white bedsheets. His head was lying on the hospital bed, his hand clutched another's, and another hand ran through his tresses.

Groaning slightly, Yeonjun lifted his head and met Soobin's gentle smile.

"Good morning," the younger greeted.

Blinking, it took only a few seconds for everything to come rushing back to Yeonjun. Quickly, he dislodged his hand from Soobin's and scooted his chair back. The younger pouted in disappointment.

"I'll get the doctor," Yeonjun said, standing up and moving to the door.


The older stopped, hand on the doorknob.

"Can we please talk?"



"After I get the doctor and you have some food in you." He turned back to the surprised-looking younger with a small smile. "We'll talk after, okay?"

Soobin nodded, obediently. "Okay."

Yeonjun opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind him. He breathed in deeply, trying to calm his frantically beating heart. He couldn't run away anymore... No, he would not run away anymore... He and Soobin needed to talk.

But, first, he needed to make sure the younger would be alright.


nxt update coming right up! 

luv ya ❤

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