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Soobin was bored. He tried entertaining himself with his phone, but that soon lost its novelty. He tried daydreaming, but it only reminded him of things he wasn't allowed to do yet. He tried counting the ceiling tiles, but he often lost count, so he gave up.

They were back in Seoul – he and Yeonjun, that is. The injured younger man had spent one more day at the hospital in Gwangju before he could discharge with the caveat that he was not to do any heavy lifting.

Thus, it had been Yeonjun who took care of the packing (the older had gone to check him out of the cheap hotel and grab his things) and driving back to Seoul.

Soobin was put on a strict bed rest and he was glad he had taken the week off. Who knew he was going to need it to recuperate from a not-so-fatal stab wound?

But, seeing Yeonjun well, unharmed, and back home, it was all worth it.

And speaking of Yeonjun, the older had agreed to live with him again... with a few rules as punishment. But, for Soobin, just having him back and that he was given another chance to be with him after his stupidity was enough.

He meant everything he said to Yeonjun at the hospital that day; he would take it slow if the older asked and would court him again if needed.

Now, he was supposed to stay in bed and rest while the older finished making dinner. But... he was still bored.

So, risking his boyfriend's wrath, he slowly got up from the bed, the dull throb of his wound making him cringe, and leisurely left the bedroom to head for the kitchen. He paused at the doorway, allowing himself to lean against it and watch the busybody at the stove, smiling, affectionately.

Yeonjun was concentrating had on mixing and flipping the kimchi fried rice on the pan. In a pot next to him, soup boiled, the enticing aroma filling the kitchen.

It smelt like home. It felt like home again.

Unable to resist, Soobin slowly walked over and wrapped his arms around the elder's waist, tucking his head on his shoulder. Yeonjun jumped a little, spilling some rice onto the floor.

He glared at the younger. "Yah! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? And you made me spill the food! And you're supposed to be in bed!"

He nagged on and on about how Soobin was supposed to be taking care of himself because that stab wound was no joke and he could re-open the wound if he moved too much.

"... and remember to take your medicine after dinner, can't have you writhing in pain all night and-."

"I really want to kiss you," Soobin interrupted, pouting.

Yeonjun paused in his nagging to regard him with suspicion before scoffing. "Well, you can't."

Because one of Yeonjun's requests (a.k.a. punishment) was that Soobin refrained from kissing him until the older was comfortable with the intimate gesture again.

Soobin accepted, but that didn't mean he wouldn't whine about it... like now.

"But wheeeeeen?" He pouted. "I haven't kissed you in so long!"

"Mmhmm... And whose fault was that?"

There was a short silence before a resigned, "Mine" from Soobin.

Yeonjun chuckled and pinched his cheek. "Be patient."

"Fine. But I'm not letting you go until you finish cooking. I missed you too much."

"Fine, fine."

That simple consent was enough to make Soobin happy. He happily buried his face into Yeonjun's back, breathing him in, loving the feeling of his body in his arms. And Yeonjun let him, even if the position was somewhat obstructing his ability to cook properly.

Soobin knew it was because Yeonjun missed him too. And that alone gave him hope... hope that he would be able to earn back Yeonjun's trust again.


When Yeonjun was finished washing the dishes, he went to check on Soobin who was relaxing in the living room. The younger was stubborn and insisted on helping him but Yeonjun wouldn't have it. He was supposed to be on strict bed rest, and he would make sure he got it.

The younger's bored expression turned gleeful when he saw Yeonjun approach. He scooted aside and patted the space on the couch next to him.

"Shall we watch a movie?" he asked, smiling.

Yeonjun hesitated, remembering that watching DVDs at home was one of the things Soobin said he was bored with. His reluctance must have showed as Soobin's smile dropped a little.

"Are you sure?" Yeonjun asked. "We can do something else. If you want to go out-."

"It's not like you would let me anyway," the younger interrupted, gently and pointing at his injured side. "Besides, it's been a while. I want to do this with you."

"You know that if you don't want to, you can say so," Yeonjun reminded.

Soobin nodded. "I know. Now, sit down so we can cuddle... please."

So Yeonjun did and scanned the array of DVD's that Soobin had carefully put out on the table for him to pick. He always picked the movies.

He turned to Soobin who was looking at him, expectantly. "Why don't you pick this time, Binnie?"

The younger blinked a few times, taking a few seconds to take in what the older said. "Really? You don't mind?"

"No. Go on. Pick."

"You know I'll probably pick something with a lot of explosions."

Yeonjun cringed but shrugged. "Didn't you say you wanted to watch that one?" he pointed to a DVD Soobin had bought a year ago, but he was fairly sure that the younger had not had the chance to watch it yet. It was one of those end-of-the-world films that, as Soobin mentioned, had a lot of explosions.

"Are... you sure?"

He could hear the hesitance yet excitement in the younger's voice. He did want to watch this movie but held off for Yeonjun's sake.

So, the older picked it up and put it in the DVD player. Then, he leaned against the arm of the couch before opening his arms, inviting Soobin to snuggle in them.

The younger happily did, sighing contentedly. He was often the big spoon to Yeonjun's little spoon, but because he was injured, it didn't hurt to spoil him a little.

After all, they were taking this slow. They were going to start getting to know each other again, one step at a time.


Lemme know what you all think :)

Luv ya cheesecakes :)

Have a safe week ahead! ❤

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