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All the lights in the apartment were off when he arrived. He hung up his jacket, took off his shoes, and headed for the bedroom.

There, on the bed, laid his boyfriend, fast asleep on his side, his back facing Soobin. The younger carefully tiptoed towards the bed and sank onto it, gently. For a minute or so, he simply stared at Yeonjun's back, guilty feelings eating at his chest.

He swore that in the morning, he would apologize and make it up to Yeonjun.

He got up and went to their dresser to grab some pajamas to change into when he noticed how messy the clothes in it were as if they were stuffed in there quickly with no care whatsoever. He found it odd because Yeonjun always made sure their clothes were placed neatly in the drawers to avoid wrinkles.

When he turned to head for the bathroom, his eyes caught sight of their closet; the door was ajar. Again, another odd thing because Yeonjun always made sure it was closed. Soobin padded over to it and pushed it close. It refused to budge. Something was blocking the door from fully closing.

Curiously, he pulled it open and it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust until it made out a dark blob on the floor of the closet. Taking out his cellphone and turning on the flashlight, he waved it over the blob.

One of their suitcases lying flat on its back stared back at him. It made his entire body go cold. What was a suitcase doing down here when it was supposed to be up on the shelf?

Soobin got on his knees and with one hand holding the phone, the other shaky hand reached over to flip the unzipped top open. Inside were Yeonjun's clothes, unfolded and messy, like they were haphazardly thrown in there in a hurry.

Seeing that suitcase full of clothes, Soobin felt like he was finally being slapped awake from his stupidity.

Was Yeonjun... going to leave him? But... he was still here! Was he waiting until the next morning then?

With so much guilt in his heavy heart, the younger closed the suitcase and pushed it further inside the closet. He would have lifted it up to the top shelf, but that would create too much noise and would wake up the older, so this would have to do for now.

Then, he went back to the bed next to Yeonjun. He was tempted to wake him up, whisper apologies in his ear. But... he couldn't bring himself to do so. He felt so ashamed of himself.

It was his own fault. He should have just talked to Yeonjun, explained why he was acting the way he was, explained his stress at work, that he needed a little space... not just suddenly cut him out, just like that, leaving the older confused and panicking.

Now, his apology would have to wait until tomorrow. For now, Soobin would let him sleep. After all the emotional stress the younger put him through, Yeonjun deserved it.

So, Soobin got ready for bed and slid under the covers beside his boyfriend. He considered pulling the older into his arms and wrapping him in a tight hug... but he felt like he didn't deserve such an intimate act.

Not after what he had done these last few months. No, he would start off nice and slow tomorrow, build it up again.

Tomorrow was a Sunday anyway, so he didn't have to be awake early for work. He would sleep in this time so that when Yeonjun awoke, Soobin would be right next to him.

Soobin would then make them breakfast and apologize for the things he said and would promise to make it up to him. He would then take Yeonjun out on a date and hold hands with him, kiss him behind menus, take him to the movies, or whatever else it was that the older wanted to do.

Soobin would make it up to him tomorrow.

Satisfied with that thought, he fell asleep.

When he woke up the next morning, it took him a few moments for everything that happened the night before to come back to him, to remind him of what he swore he would do today.

Cause of my Euphoria | Yeonbin ✓Where stories live. Discover now