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"That's kind of why I've been a bit busy and working overtime lately," Soobin excitedly continued. "I've been looking at rings, and I think I found one that's perfect."

And with that, he took out his cellphone and scrolled through his gallery of food pictures, selcas , and candid shots of his handsome boyfriend before he found what he wanted and showed it to Doohyung.

The ring was of a simple design, 2k white gold, with an Infinite symbol carved on the front, and a small diamond at the center of the symbol.

"It's custom-made, but the jeweler said he has three more in stock and he would reserve the last for me until the end of the month," explained Soobin. "I think it's perfect for Yeonjun, simple and not too gaudy, you know how he hates anything that glitters too much."

"Soobin... are you actually serious?" Doohyung asked in a small voice.

The other took his phone back and nodded. "Yeah, of course. I love him and I can't imagine being with anyone else but him."

Doohyung continued to stare at him.

"Why do you look so skeptical?"

"It's just that... wow... The Choi Soobin... settling down... You really have changed."

"Not like it's a bad thing."



Doohyung shrugged and poured himself another glass of soju. "It's nothing."

Now, Soobin was curious. "Doohyung, what?"

Doohyung hesitated a little. "Well... it's marriage. That's huge, Bin. A huge commitment. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"Of course. If it's with Yeonjun, why wouldn't I be?"

Soobin was feeling a little irritated now, but then again, Doohyung was always a bit of a nag like Yeonjun... except Yeonjun was cute when he did t whereas he just wanted to ignore Doohyung.

Doohyung pursed his lips. "Well... remember my friend Minkun?"

"Medium-height, tofu-like, clumsy Minkun?"


"What about him?"

"Remember his ex-girlfriend? He was going to propose to her too."

"O... kay?... What does that have to do with me?"

"Well... he thought the same as you. They were together for a while, practically joined at the hip like you and Yeonjun- hyung ."


"But, when he asked her, she said no."

"Oh..." Soobin blinked, feeling rather sorry for Minkun. He wasn't particularly close to the other since it was Doohyung and Minnkun who used to hang out a lot, but still, it was quite a sad thing to know about. "Why?"

"She told him it was because they spent so much time together that she felt suffocated by him."

"Suffocated?" Soobin furrowed his brows in confusion. "How? If she loved him, why would she feel suffocated?"

"Because, dear Soobin, when a couple spends too much time together and barely see anyone else, the excitement eventually dies, things get boring, and the next thing you know, their face makes you sick. Thus, the feeling of suffocation."

Soobin scoffed. "I've been with Yeonjun for 3 years and lived with him for a year and I never felt that," he retorted.

"And Minkun and his ex were together for 5 and never even lived together. Nevertheless, this chick said that she wanted some time off the relationship to do things for herself and discover herself or whatever shit it was. Personally, I just think whatever feelings she had for him faded and she used the proposal as an excuse to break up with him, but whatever helps her sleep at night."

The other raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you being a little too harsh? Maybe she just wasn't ready to get married."

Doo's large round eyes narrowed. "She told Minkun that she realized that she couldn't see herself spending the rest of her life with him anymore. And Minkun was devastated! Why do you think he went away on that 3-month backpacking trip to Japan?"

"He said it was to discover himself?"

"And to heal his broken heart. Minkun and that girl and you and Yeonjun- hyung are similar. You spend too much time together and you've been together for a long time. And that can make one or both of you feel like you're suffocating in the relationship. Like, when was the last time you did something without Yeonjun- hyung ?"

"We don't work together."

"Aside from that, that's practically a given. What else?"

"Sometimes, I go on errands by myself and he does too."

His friend looked like he wanted to strangle him. "I meant think about something that you do for fun and leisure. Like, do you hang out with other people?"

"Yeah, we hang out with Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Kai sometimes."

"I meant without each other. Think about it."

"Well, right now, obviously. He's not here. Though I did invite him, but you know how he is. Bars aren't really his favorite places."

Doohyung raised a sassy eyebrow. "And before right now?"

Soobin opened his mouth, but then closed it immediately. He racked his brains for something, but nothing came to mind. He wasn't sure of the answer, to be quite honest. He couldn't really remember doing anything without his boyfriend.

They went to the movies together, to cafes, to restaurants, parties, and even holidays were spent with each other's families. And by the look on his face, Doohyung figured it out as well.

"That's what I'm talking about, Soobin. You and Yeonjun- hyung are joined at the hip. It's sweet, it really is... but don't you think you'll get tired of each other, eventually?"

"I'll never get tired of Yeonjun!" Soobin defended.

"Maybe not now, but how about ten years down the line? Twenty? I know you're a pair, but don't forget that you're individuals too."

For some odd reason, Doohyung was making some sense. But Soobin was still skeptical, and it showed.

"Plus, you're clingy. That's never good."

"Yah! Yeonjun doesn't mind!"

"Are you sure?"

That made Soobin pause. Yes, he knew he was clingy, and he knew that the older often acted annoyed with it, but it was exactly that... just acting... right?

The distress must have showed on his face since Doohyung flashed him a sympathetic look and sighed. "Fine, alright, maybe you and Yeonjun- hyung will be different from my friend and that girl," his friend said.

Damn right, they will!

However, Doohyung wasn't done.



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