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Despite not having had a drop of liquor, Soobin felt like he was hungover. He had a persistent headache all day that wouldn't go away, his eyes were unfocused, and his mind kept drifting to thoughts of his older boyfriend... the boyfriend he was supposed to show his love to but hurt instead...

"You look like shit, Soobin," said a familiar, irritating voice entering the break room where the other was currently nursing a mug of coffee.

Soobin groaned. "Go away, Chan."

His co-worker grabbed a mug of his own and settled on the table next to him.

"Trouble in paradise?" Chan mocked with a smirk.

Soobin stared at him with hard, piercing eyes. He felt a wave of satisfaction when the other's smirk disappeared, and he suddenly looked uncomfortable.


Soobin tilted his head to the side. "Tell me the truth, right now, man-to-man. Is there something going on with you and Yeonjun?"

Chan raised an eyebrow, all hint of humor gone from his façade. "I can only dream," he responded, before taking a sip of his coffee.

The simple answer made Soobin's heart soar and sigh in relief. He knew that when Chan looked serious like that, there was no room for lies. He may be a huge flirt and a jokester but when it came to things of importance, he could be serious too.

Like Yeonjun said... Chan was a... decent guy. Soobin can admit that much.

"You seriously thought he would cheat on you?" Chan asked, with a raised brow and somewhat... judging. "Dude, I flirt non-stop with him, and he would just laugh and brush it off. I thought it was just because I'm not his type, but then again, look at me! But then, he somehow always finds a way to bring you into a conversation and he gets this cute goofy smile that I don't think he even realizes he gets. He's faithful to you."

Soobin was silent. He didn't know how to answer to that. He felt shame wash over him again.

"Seriously, Soobin, a year ago you wouldn't shut up about your boyfriend," his co-worker continued, his voice ladened with a little concern. "What happened? I'm starting to wonder if Yeonjun really did so something-."

"No," Soobin interrupted, rather defensively. "He didn't do anything. It... It was all me."

He sighed and refused to continue, only sipping his coffee.

Chan continued to stare at him and the two sat in silence for the rest of their break, drinking their coffee. Soobin wasn't sure how long they sat there, but eventually, Chan got up and placed a hand on his shoulder, a friendly gesture.

"Let's talk after work, okay?"

And with that, he left, leaving Soobin to his own thoughts.

They later met up at a coffee shop near their office building. Both ordered cups of coffee and sat face-to-face across from each other.

Chan kept flashing him pointed looks as Soobin fiddled with the rim of his coffee mug, not really feeling like drinking it. He had plenty back at the office already, but nothing else on the menu looked appetizing.

"So?" Chan began. "Talk."

Soobin took a deep breath. "I... I guess it started about seven months ago. Yeah, I think it's seven, maybe eight?"

"Stop stalling."

"Okay, okay." He took a deep breath again. "My friend from Daegu, Doohyung, came to Seoul to visit. He was here on business but wanted to meet up. We agreed to go to this bar we used to go to back in college and, well, we talked about a lot of things."

"And what exactly did you guys talk about?"

Soobin remembered the conversation like it was yesterday...


"It's really great to see you, Bin," said Doohyung, raising his glass of soju. "Shall we toast to that?"

Grinning, Soobin clinked his glass with the other and they both downed their shots in one go. The burning in his throat and the warmth it spread throughout his body felt good and he told Doohyung so.

His friend chuckled. "You act like you haven't had soju in a while."

Soobin just shrugged as he poured another shot for them.

"Wait, so you're saying you haven't?" Doohyung looked at him in disbelief. "Seriously?!"

"What? I just don't have the time anymore. I have this thing called a job now, Doohyung. You have one too."

"Yeah, but don't you guys ever go out after work? That's like, a must!"

Soobin chuckled. "I know my co-workers do, but I have better things to do."

Doohyung raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

The other grinned. "Like cuddling my boyfriend."

Doohyung wrinkled his nose. "Ugh... Are you two ever going to stop being sickeningly cute?"


His friend flashed him a judging look, but Soobin didn't mind. Doohyung judged everything.

"So, you two are doing well then?" his friend asked.

"Mmhmm... actually, there's something I've been thinking about."

"What?" Doohyung raised his glass to his lips.

Soobin grinned, widely again. "I've been thinking about proposing to Yeonjun."

Doohyung began coughing up a lung, spraying bits of soju and spit in Soobin's direction.

"Dude!" he exclaimed with a glare.

"You're going to propose to Yeonjun?!" the other managed to choke out.

Soobin handed him a napkin. "I said I was just thinking about it... But yeah... More or less, I'm really leaning towards 'yes'. I mean, I love him, and we've been together for a while. Why not make it official?"

His friend was silent, his head tilted to the side as he gazed at Soobin with a contemplative look.


to be continued :)

and don't ask me who doohyung is, idk either! i just made it up i guess :)

Cause of my Euphoria | Yeonbin ✓Where stories live. Discover now