Way Finding

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"You did it Mohan, you got the heart back." [Y/n] said happily hugging the boy, before pulling back and kissing his cheek. Mohan blushed, then cleared his throat and smiled smugly at Maui.

"Yeah I did." Maui smiled at him, rolling his eyes.

"Congratulations on not being dead pretty boy, you surprise me. But I'm still not taking that thing back." Maui said.

[Y/n] and Mohan gave him an unbelieving look.

"If you want to get to Te Fiti, you have to go through a whole ocean of bad. Not to mention…" He pointed to the tattoo of Te Ka defeating him. "…Lava monster? Ever defeated a lava monster?"

"No." Mohan said quietly.

"Have you?" [Y/n] asked, arms crossed smirking. Mohan laughed as Mini Maui gave a point to [Y/n], as Maui glared at it.

"I'm not going on a suicide mission with some mortal teenagers. You can't restore the heart without me, and me says no. I'm getting my hook, end of discussion." Maui stated firmly turning his back to them.

Mohan groaned in frustration. [Y/n] looked closely at Maui's tattoos and suddenly got an idea. Then she patted Mohan's shoulder and whispered reassuredly, "Leave him to me."

[Y/n] walked over to Maui and said in a sing-song voice.

"You'll be a hero." Maui perked up at that. "That's what you're all about right?"

"Little girl, I am a hero." Maui stated.

"Maybe you were, but now, you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te Fiti." [Y/n] said casually checking her fingernails.

"Yeah, the guy who cursed the world." Mohan added.

"You're no one's hero." [Y/n] said smirking. Maui scoffed.

"No one?" He asked disbelievingly. The teen shook their head. Maui glanced at Heihei who clucked, he looked at the ocean which seemed to shake it's head. Maui's face fell.

"But…" [Y/n] said taking the heart from Mohan, flashing it in front of Maui. "…… Put this back, save the world, you'll be everyone's hero."

Mini Maui performed a charade of putting back the heart of Te Fiti, then people started cheering for him.

"Maui! Maui! Maui! You're so amazing!" [Y/n] chanted teasingly. Maui sighed.

"We'd never make it without my hook. Not pass Te Ka."

"Then we get your hook. We get your hook, take out Te Ka, and restore the heart." Mohan said.

"Unless you don't want to be Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to all?" [Y/n] asked. Mini Maui told him to take the chance and Maui sighed defeatedly.

"First we get my hook."

"Then we save the world. Deal?" Mohan asked, putting his hand forward.

"Deal." Maui shook his hand and then threw him off the boat.

"Really?" [Y/n] asked eyebrows raised as the ocean brought Mohan back.

"Worth a shot." Maui said as he walked forward to sail the boat.

"How'd you get him to agree so easily?" Mohan asked [Y/n]

"Constructive criticism. Works all the time." [Y/n] said smiling and Mohan laughed.

"You really are amazing." [Y/n] blushed.

"Oh um, thank you." They both turned to Maui, admiring how he sailed so easily.

"Teach us how to sail." Their said in unison and Maui scoffed.

"My job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean. I should…" Mohan ran into a mast. "…I should be the one sailing."

"And I just know some pointers, I wanna learn more. Please." [Y/n] pleaded.

"No can't do, pretty boy, princess, it's not just sails and knots. It's seeing where you're going in your mind. Knowing where you are, by knowing where you've been." Maui answered.

"Okay, first, I'm not a princess. If anyone's royalty it's pretty boy." [Y/n] said.

"Oh so you're a prince, how'd I not see it before."

"I'm not a prince, I'm the son of a chief." Mohan said firmly.

"Same difference." Maui said.


"You're wearing some sort of royal heirloom, have a pretty girl by your side and you have an animal sidekick. You're a prince and she's your princess."

"No, no, were not. And this is not a family heirloom." Mohan said gripping his necklace tightly.

"It's an engagement necklace actually." [Y/n] stated.

"Which he's supposed to give to you?"

"What……n-no……I-I don't….w-why-" she started sputtering.

"Look, neither of you are way finders and you will never be way finders, you will never be way…" Maui suddenly fell as the ocean put of of The Kakamora darts in his butt making [Y/n] giggle.

"Really? Blow dart in my butt cheek." Maui grumbled.

The ocean gave the oar to Mohan and they high-fived. The two teens then sat at the front of the boat, eager to learn how to sail.

"You two are bad people." Maui said to them.

"If you can talk, you can teach. Lesson one. Hit it." [Y/n] said.

"Fine. Pull the sheets." Mohan rushed to do so, but was stopped several times as Maui kept saying,

"No, not that one, not that one either."

[Y/n] giggled and walked up to the mast, pulling the right rope.

"This one, Mohan."

"Hey princess was right, she does know some pointers."

[Y/n] smiled innocently at Mohan who rolled his eyes. Then he got an idea and discreetly tripped her making her fall in the ocean. He whistled innocently as the ocean brought her back. Then [Y/n] and the ocean shared a mischievous look and Mohan was dunked with water as [Y/n] smiled smugly at him.

That night, the teens were trying to measure the stars.

"You're measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high-five." Maui said correcting them.

[Y/n] was steering as Mohan sat next to her.

"If the current's warm, you're going the right way." Maui told her. Then she dipped her hand in the water.

"It's cold. Wait it's getting warmer." Then she gasped as she realized Maui just peed in the water.

"Ugh! That's disgusting, what is wrong with you?" Mohan laughed and [Y/n] gave him a glare.

Mohan woke up with a start. He had had a nightmare. He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"You okay?" He turned to see [Y/n] waking up next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?" He nodded. Then [Y/n] grabbed his hand. "You know you can tell me anything right?"

Mohan gazed at her sadly.

"Enjoy your beauty rest?" Maui asked interrupting them.

"You know a real way finder never sleeps, so they actually get where they need to go. Muscle up buttercups, we're here."

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