Lalotai: Realm Of Monsters

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The company of three made it to the shoreline of the rocky island and tied the boat to one of the rocks.

"You sure this guy's gonna have you hook?" Mohan asked.

"Tamatoa? Oh yeah, he'll have it. He's a scavenger, collects stuffs, things that look cool. And for Tamatoa, trust me, my hook is the coolest collectible." Maui explained.

"And he lives up there?" [Y/n] asked looking at the top of the giant rock.

"Oh no no no no. That's just the entrance. To Lalotai." May answered.

"Lalotai? Realm of monsters?" [Y/n] asked wide-eyed.

"We're going to the realm of monsters?" Mohan asked.

"We? As in us three? No, me. You two are gonna stay here with the other chicken." Maui answered then clucked like a chicken before looking at Mini Maui who weren't impressed.

"That's what I'm talking about, give me some……come on, that was a good one, how'd you not get it? I called them chicken's, that chicken on the boat……I know they're human, but that's not. You know forget it, I'm not explaining it to you. What?……Cause then it's not funny."

Maui then noticed the two teens climbing next to him and sighed.

"So, son of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. You know helping old ladies and stuff." Mohan just glared at him and kept climbing. "Hey, I'm trying to understand why your people decided to send, how do I phrase this, you two."

"Our people didn't send us, the ocean did." Mohan answered.

"The ocean, makes sense. You're what? Eight, can't sail, obvious choice."

"He's eighteen." [Y/n] stated firmly.

"And the ocean chose us for a reason." Mohan added.

"No offense, but if the ocean's so smart, why didn't it just take the heart to Te Fiti itself? Or bring me my hook? The ocean straight up cooky dooks. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you two, especially you pretty boy. You're the chosen one." Maui said sarcastically.

They made it to the top and Mohan went over to the edge looking out to the ocean solemnly.

"The ocean chose me for a reason." He whispered reassuredly.

"If you start singing, I'm gonna throw up." Maui said making [Y/n] glare at him.

"So not seeing an entrance." [Y/n] said, still staring at him.

"Yes, because it only appears after a human sacrifice." Maui said dramatically making the two teens gulp in slight fear.

"Kidding! Ha ha ha, so serious." Maui said laughing.

He blew off the sand at the middle of the rock, revealing some sort of markings underneath them. Maui then started doing a form of warrior chant and then pounded the ground, making it open. The trio peered in.

"Don't worry, it's a lot further down than it looks." Maui said.

Then he did his infamous yell and jumped in. After a while, he yelled; "I'm still falling." Then a splash was heard.

[Y/n] gulped and Mohan took her hand.

"Don't worry." He reassured her. "We've got this."

She nodded then jumped in as the entrance closed up.


Maui made it to the bottom, landing perfectly.

"And he sticks the landing. Huh?" Maui asked Mini Maui, who gave one more point to the two teens.

"What! Dumdum, they're not even here. No mortal's gonna jump into the realm of mon-" Mini Maui pointed up and Maui looked up as the two teens landed on him and then bounced off him, going further down below.

"Welp, they're dead." Maui said abruptly.

Mohan and [Y/n] fell until they landed on the tongue of a huge lizard. A plant ate the lizard and the two teens fell to the ground, Mohan's arms around [Y/n]. The whole place was breathtaking, but there were monsters everywhere. A creature started approaching the teens and they stood up, running. They finally lost it.

"Realm of monsters uh?" [Y/n] asked panting.

"Yeah this is one hell of an adventure." Mohan said laughing. [Y/n] joined in and then looked up and she saw a cave. She signalled for Mohan to follow her and they came to the entrance. They looked in to see a pile of treasure, with a huge hook on top.

"Maui's fish hook." Mohan whispered.

"Yeah." Maui whispered from behind them, startling the teens making [Y/n] punch him on impulse. She gasped as Mohan held in a laugh.

"Sorry, I thought you were a monster. But we found your hook and you're right. This Tamatoa loves his treasure." [Y/n] said rapidly as Maui picked her up, placing her behind him.

"Stay." He told her, before turning to Mohan. "Both of you."

"What?" Mohan asked. "We're the ones who……"

"Listen, for a thousand years the only thing I've been thinking about is keeping this hair silky, getting my hook and being awesome again. And it's not getting screwed up by two teenage mortals who have no business being inside a monster cave." Maui said putting his hair in a bun getting an idea. "Except.…"

Then he turned to look at Mohan and smirked.

"Except maybe a bait."


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