▼ Right VS Left Brain ▼

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》According to the left brain vs. right brain belief, everyone has one side of their brain that is dominant and determines their personality, thoughts, and behavior. Each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other.

》The right brain left brain theory originated in the work of Roger W. Sperry, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981. He studied brain functioning in patients who had their corpus callosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) surgically severed to treat refractory epilepsy.

》People described as left-brain thinkers are told they have strong math and logic skills. On the other hand, those who are described as right-brain thinkers are told that their talents are more on the creative side of things.

》According to the theory of left brain or right brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. Additionally, people are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other.

》In psychology, the theory is based on the lateralization of brain function. The brain contains two hemispheres that each perform a number of roles. The two sides of the brain communicate with one another via the corpus callosum.

》The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve



analytical thinking


fact oriented

numerical likely to think in words

Critical thinking



》The right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:

Recognizing faces

Expressing Emotion

Creating music

Reading emotions

Appreciating color

Using imagination

Being intuitive

Being creative

The left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the body while the right hemisphere controls those on the left. This is why damage to the left side of the brain, for example, might have an effect on the right side of the body.

》Later research has shown that the brain is not nearly as dichotomous as once thought. For example, research has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are strongest when both halves of the brain work together.

Researchers have demonstrated that right-brain/left-brain theory is a myth, yet its popularity persists. Why? Unfortunately, many people are likely unaware that the theory is outdated. In fact, the idea seems to have taken on a mind of its own within popular culture.

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