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The doorbell rang as soon as I lifted Aurora off the couch. She had fallen asleep not too long ago after watching a second movie with me, and I was planning to tuck her into bed. I walked with her still in my arms as I made my way to the door. I then looked through the peephole before opening the door.

Damien and my father appeared by the doorway, and Damien's eyes immediately drifted to Aurora.

"How's Rory?" Dad asked me, and I assumed he meant how she responded to seeing her father again.

I lightly smiled, "She has a lot of questions, but she's fine."

"Good," Dad lightly smiled as well. "I can bring her to her room if-"

Damien intervened, saying, "I'll do it."

"Are you sure you can manage?" I frowned while staring at the side he was injured at.

"Yes," he nodded, and I cautiously handed Aurora over. "What room?"

I answered, "The first on the second floor." He gave a gentle nod as I stepped aside, then he fully entered the house and began making his way upstairs.

As soon as he had disappeared up the stairs, I asked my father, "So?"

"When we got to the building it was already burning down," my dad answered. "Damien said that sometimes another guy named Benjamin would swing by to check up on things. I'm guessing that's what happened tonight. Benjamin must've found out about the escape and got Alfredo out before burning the building down."

I sighed, "No way to track down who kidnapped him, I'm assuming."

"Exactly," Dad confirmed with a nod. "I still have people working all angles to see if there's any info we can find out. Until then, we gotta sit tight."

"Okay," I nodded. Timely, Damien came down the steps and sighed as he tuck his hand in his pockets.

Father sighed, "It's time I get going. Damien, are you sleeping by Rico, here, or a hotel?"

Damien connected eyes with me as he shrugged, "Not sure I'm welcomed here."

"You are..." I said as my eyes left his and met the floor. "I'm sure Aurora would be happy to see you when she wakes up."

"Okay," he answered. "I guess I'll stay."

"Alright," my dad replied before smooching my forehead and telling me goodnight. He then left, and I closed the door and directed my attention to the awkward silence in the room.

There was something different about the way he looked at me, but I didn't know what to make of it, so I simply ignored it as I announced, "I'm glad you're okay-ish."

"Yeah...ish," he said as he continued to watch me, and I walked over to him. "How've you been?"

"Fine," I answered. "I've been managing."

He gave a simple nod as he replied, "Good." His eyes then drifted to the ring on my finger, and with confusion evident in his eyes, he asked, "You still wear it?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "I never really gave up hope that you'd come back, even though everyone assumed you died or simply ran away. I know no one has been welcoming of your presence. We're honestly all shocked."

"Still," he shrugged. "Rico was way more welcoming to me than Nickolai, your father, and even you."

I nodded, "Like I said, some assumed you died....and some assumed you ran away."

Damien huffed, unamused, as he looked away. "I see what side you three fell on," he said with attitude hinted in his voice.

I shrugged, "I honestly hoped that you ran away. It was easier to cope with that idea than to think you had been murdered."

"So you round our daughter that I ran away?" Damien frowned, and I shook my head.

I answered, "I told her you had to go away for a while and that I wasn't sure when you'd be back. I often showed her pictures of you and brought up little memories to keep the memory of you as fresh as possible in her mind. I'm sure most of what she knows about you now is based off the fact that I reiterate the information to her, as opposed to her remembering you, it I still have her know something about you than nothing at all." He nodded in response and exhaled a shallow breath. "Are you hungry?"

"Actually, yes," he nodded.

"Okay. Take a shower in any of the bathrooms you feel comfortable in while I prepare something for you to eat," I instructed. "I have a few pieces of your clothing here. You can dress into them."

He nodded in agreement, and I walked off to the kitchen. I knew he didn't know where any of the bathrooms were, but I didn't intend to tell him because I wanted him to walk around and get familiar with the house. He'd be living here, after all, or at least visiting if he decided he wouldn't want to stay here. Still, I planned to take him shopping tomorrow. I didn't know if he and I were still engaged or even together, but I still wanted him around for Aurora, at least. I would never deny him of his right to be around his daughter as much as he wanted. If he wanted to stay here so that he could be around her more, I would have no problem with it. As for a relationship with him, I wasn't sure if one existed anymore. He was different. I could sense that much about him, but I, too, had changed. I was much more independent now. I both worked and took care of Aurora, and I was very proud of all I accomplished. I finally felt like a true adult with responsibilities, and I made sure that I took care of them as much as I could. I'd even be opening my own luxury brand in a month or so.

It felt like this was my year of positivity and success, and I only hoped that Damien's presence meant that as well.

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